Monday 1 August 2022

Day Three Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety

We had a little sleep in this morning.

Because we are still having our vacation. That was a good idea.

So we went on a little not so long walk. In the very beautiful sunshine.

Then we had our look out the windows breakfast. 

When we were all finished Zita went outside to think about gardening.

But I went back to fast as could be asleep. Ha.

Because we are on vacation. 

And that is what you have to do when you are on vacation. It is the rule. 

When Craig was all dressed Zita was back inside they had their coffees.

And then we had our tasty toasts. 

Craig’s toasts had the own made jam from Zita’s parent’s garden. Ha.

Then Zita found her giant hat.

So she could go outside to make the garden beautiful.

And then Miss Bruna came over for a nice visit.

And they talked for a long time. 

All of Miss Bruna’s family got sick. But they did not die. That is good.

Now they are all better again. 

When Craig had his next coffee he had Scotsman’s biscuits with jam.

But not the made from Loganberries jam. Because we ate that all up. Too bad for us.

So we had the from France strawberries jam instead. 

Then I watched Zita from my windows when she was gardening.

But after a while Zita had to come in because she got too hot. 

And then I reminded Craig that it was my lunchtime. Ha.

Sometimes noisy aeroplanes sometimes go right on top of my house.

So I have to bark at them. 

Because maybe the are the aeroplanes that drop scary loud bombs on Craig’s T-shirt county. Maybe.

But I always loud bark at them and they flay all away. Ha. Good for me. 

Then Zita when back outside to find the nasty weeds. 

But I stayed in the house so I could mind Craig.

And not get too hot. 

So Craig and I had a very nice quiet afternoon.

But then some very noisy fire engines went down another street near me.

So I moved over to right beside him.

Right beside his feet. So he would be as safe as could be. Good for me. 

But when I looked at his feet he had his shoes on the wrong feet. Oh my goodness me. 

Craig and Zita went on a before dinner adventure walk. And they almost melted.

But they did not. 

And when they got back Niamh was back too. 

And she was fall asleep standing up tired. Oh dear.

So I minded Zita and Niamh when they told each other all about their adventures. In far away places. 

And they talked until it was dinnertime. 

And after we had dinner Niamh had to go to fast sat asleep.

Because she way too too tired after the concert.

So after Zita gave our garden lots of water we watch the funny detective. And went to bed.

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