Tuesday 16 August 2022

Day Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Five

It was a go downtown to work day for Zita today. Oh well.

I minded our right here office until Craig was all awake.

Then he went in the den and I helped him with our round toasts and jam.

And when we were all finished he found some brand new chicken for my breakfast.

Then it was just the right time for my morning nap.

And since it was a beautiful day outside I had my nap in my side yard. Ha.

But I was not asleep for so long.

Because Niamh was all awake because she had to go to the lovely store today.

And at the same time Miss Pam came to do a bit more painting. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

I helped Niamh with her breakfast.

But it was not a very long breakfast today.

Because her very fast bicycle had to take her to the lovely store.

So she would not be late.

So I went back to fast asleep. 

My Emmet got a brand new job. Ha.

And they are teaching their very own class at Mister Saint Francis’s university.

That is the university Emmet used to go to.

Before going to the very old university. 

And Emmet is going to teach the class from way far away Cork. 

On everybody’s computer. Oh my goodness gracious me. 

And it will be all about long long time ago Ireland. 

Maybe Emmet will tell everybody Mister CĂș Chulainn’s fierce dogs. 

That would be a good story.

Stories about stealing silly cows are not so very interesting. 

Maybe I will go. I like hearing Emmet’s very old time stories. 

Emmet was very happy. So was I. Ha. 

Miss Pam did not stay here very long this morning. 

Because she was only fixing the painting. 

But I still could not go back into my living room.

Because everything is still just in the middle of the floor.

And there are not comfy rugs anywhere. Too bad for me. 

Craig and I had another round toast for our together lunch.

Then we went outside. But only for a little while.

Because this afternoon was too hot for a nice outside relax.

So I had my nap in the hall. In front of the den. So I could mind Craig.

Miss Pam came back after lunchtime so she could paint the front door room. Ha. 

So it was as beautiful as the living room and dining room. That was a good idea. 

When Zita came home we had work to do. Even before our dinner.

So we went into our office for an important meeting. I was a big help.

Tonight is Niamh’s lots of questions restaurant night. With her university friends. 

So only Craig and Zita and I had our dinner in the den. 

Because the dining room is still all covered up. Oh well.

So we had very delicious hot chicken in a big pie with vegetables too. Ha.

Then it was time for my in front of the television nap. 

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