Saturday 30 November 2013

Day Five Hundred and One

We had another way too cold day. I had to wear my Scotsman coat again.  

Craig and Zita went to see my friends Emily and Cara being actresses. With swords. Craig came home. The elevator was broken. He could not see Emily and Cara being famous. That is sad.

Zita said this was a bad thing. Zita does not like bad things. It is known.

Craig and Zita are going out for dinner. I will be In charge again. I will have a nice nap on my cosy duvet. Ha.

I wore my coat tonight. It is a cosy coat. Zita made it for me. It is my own coat. It will not fit Emmet or Niamh. Ha. 

It is good when Craig and Zita come home when they go out for dinner. Craig wipes his hands on his knees. He is way messy. Ha. 

I get interesting smells from his knees. Sometimes I do not even know the smells. I will remember them. I can do that. I can not read stories at the university. I can remember kabillions of smells. Because dogs can do those things very well. It is known.

Friday 29 November 2013

Day Five Hundred

We had a way too cold day. I had to wear my Scotsman coat. I do not have to eat porridge when I wear my cosy Scotsman coat. It is only a coat. It is not me. 

Today is the Scots peoples day for their St. Andrew.  He is like St. Newton except he likes squeaky bagpipe music and porridge. And he does not make things fall onto the floor for dogs to eat. 

The Scots peoples should get a new Saint. Maybe one who brings nice peach pies. Niamh and Emmet love peach pies. It is known.

Emmet had a sick tummy and could not go to school this morning. I was worried. I went down stairs to take care of him. He is all right now. Zita took him this afternoon when he was all better.

This morning when the toasts machine made it's the toast are all ready noise there was no one in the kitchen. Zita was getting squeaky clean in the bath. I barked at the door. Zita told me to go get Craig. He did not listen.  We had to have cold toasts. 

It is hard being a dog. People are not as smart as they say. 

When Zita and Emmet were away this afternoon Craig and I had more toasts. Warm toasts. Ha.

We only played throw the green ball a little bit. The ball does not bounce so well when it is way too cold. Either do I. Oh well.  

We looked out the window at the snow machines. They are still way noisy. 

Niamh hates her phone. Oh well. 

Zita and her lady friends are going out for dinner tonight. I am not going. I think I will be in charge here again. They will not listen. They are not very good listeners. They just listen to each other. Not to me. Oh well. It is hard being a dog.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Nine

A very busy day. Not way too cold. Just cold. We had a nice long walk this morning.

Then I helped Zita with her university writing. And I watched the way big machines move all the snow on my road. There are very loud too. And the little machines that drive up and down my sidewalk. They are loud too. Oh well. 

Craig helped me watch. That is good. He is a big help when the big noisy machine come on my street.  

Then he went into the den to be a Scotsman detective again. No porridge today. Ha.

This afternoon I guarded the house. Zita went to her university. Craig took Emmet to his university. Peanut butter treats for me. Ha 

Niamh's dance at school friends went to a special toe dance. In a theatre. With comfy seats.  All the dancers pretended they were fish. That is silly. 

Niamh does not like fish. I do not know any fish. I know fish do not have legs. They cannot dance. Too bad for them. Ha.

I had an early walk today. We do not like walking when there is no sunshine. Too cold. And there might be wolves hiding behind things.  It is known.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Eight

The flat computer was right. Way too much snow. Way way too much snow. 

Niamh's school was closed. Emmet's university too. 

We had to get up way early. To shovel all the snow away. I wanted to help. I am a big help. I could not help. I got a bit upset. And barked too much. I had to go to the kitchen and sit. Oh well. 

Later I went out on my patio and watched. That was a big help Zita said. I dug a tunnel in the big pile of snow Zita and Niamh made. Then I had to go in the house. I was too soggy. Oh well

Uncle Bill called. He is going away down south where they cannot have snow. It is the rule. He is going to miss the snow he said. Craig did not believe him. Me either.  Uncle Bill makes Craig laugh. Laughing is good. It is like tail wagging. It is known.

Zita's new university is still open. She has her late class tonight. Craig has to make dinner.  Nobody wants his porridge. He will be sad. Ha.

Niamh has a job tonight. Taking care of a little girl. We go by her house on our morning walks. They just stated to live here. Her daddy is very funny. I do not know if she has a nice dog.  Everybody should have a nice dog. Not a nasty black dog with a white tail. It is known.

No more more lions until the flowers come back. Lions hate the snow. Wolves come in the winter. Oh dear. I will have to watch out my watching window a lot. Wolves are very dangerous. They come out at night. 

Night time is way too dangerous. That is why I go in the gold big car when we get Niamh at dance. To protect everybody. It is known.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Seven

We did not have way too much snow last night. It was too too cold. It was so cold I  went in the car to take Niamh to her toe dance practice. And to bring her home. I got two cars rides. Ha. 

Zita said I was the perfect dog. Most of the time. That is true.

The little flat computer says it is going to snow way too much tonight. Ha. It was wrong last night. So there.

I had to have a little bath today. The men put salt on my sidewalks and it hurts my feet. Oh well.  

I went to the hardware store. We went in the car again. I was nearly good. That is the store where nice dogs get treats. I got a treat. We had to get a way big shovel for all the snow. 

Niamh hopes there will be way too much snow tomorrow and the schools will not be able to open their big doors. And she can stay home and play with me. That is good. 

When there is too much snow Craig does not throw my green ball very much. He will get stuck in the snow. And turn into a Craigsicle. Ha.  

Monday 25 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Six

We had a quiet day. It is way too cold. 

Zita got my way too cold coat out for me. It is a nice cosy warm coat.  It is made of Scotsman cloth. 

Craig says I look like a Scotsman dog. That is not good. Maybe I will have to eat porridge like Craig. I am not a Scotsman dog. I am a Flanders dog. We do not have to eat porridge. It is known.  We eat green beans. Ha.

Zita says we are going to have way too much snow tonight. I only like a little bit of snow. Way too much snow gets me way too cold and soggy. Oh well.

Niamh is going to her late at night toe dance practice. If there is way too much snow my friends Zorro and Jamie can get her. They like lots and lots of snow. 

Craig is still a Scotsman. He is a lady who writes stories for her newspaper on a cold island.  There are dead people on the island. She does not know why. Either do I. There no dogs in this story Craig said. Oh well. 

Sunday 24 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Five

It is a way cold day. I only had a short walk this morning. Zita had her big way warm no fingers gloves on. And her big fluffy coat. I did not wear my way too cold coat today. It was only way cold. Not way too cold. It is known.

Last night we had a little cheese party. Then I was a big help. I went in the car to get Niamh at her dance friend's house. No lions. Ha.

The little make the sidewalks clean machines came for a visit. They are very loud. They do not scare me. 

We only threw my green ball a bit today. Too cold for Craig. He is afraid he will be frozen. Too bad for him.

Niamh and Emmet did not get up until lunch. Ha. No toasts for them. Ha.

Zita was at her university all day. I was in charge again. That is good. I helped Niamh with her study for a test time. I am a big help.

Zita and I drove Niamh to dance tonight. Then we went for our very cold walk. We met Jamie on our walk. Jamie thought it was way cold too. Jamie's family lives way up north with St. Santa. She knows all about the cold.  

Craig has to watch his team tonight. It is the last football game for his team. Way out where he was born. It is even colder there. Oh well 

Saturday 23 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Four

I had a nice walk. It is cold. 

This morning my neighbour Maggie chased all the nasty squirrels away. Her leg is all better. Maggie hates squirrels.

We had a little snow storm.  I made big marks in the snow. I had to get my feet all dried up. Oh well.

I am in charge. Zita is at the university all day.  I had a nice nap on my cosy duvet. 

Craig and Emmet were in the den watching all about their favourite Doctor. I do not know why. My Dr. Smith does not go on the television. He is too busy making dogs all better.  That is what doctors are for. Not being on the television. Silly people.

Niamh is at her all day dance. She is practising for her special dance night. With the giant nasty mice. 

Emmet tried to go on his thinking walks. It was too cold. He had Irish tea instead.

I am still in charge. It is known.

Friday 22 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Three

We had a bit of a soggy day. I had to have a little bath. Oh well.

Zita went of to her university and Emmet went to his university. Craig and I had our toasts.

I helped Craig read. He is a Scotsman again. With a sword. Craig eats way too much porridge. It is known. 

The blue sofa is not a cosy as my duvet. Oh well. 

Jessie got the dragon in Niamh's computer to be a good listener. That is good. 

I am a good listener. Except when I forget.  Oh well.

Nobody came to visit today. It was a nice quiet day. 

Emmet is wearing his smell good leather jacket. It must be cold at the university. 

Zita went to the store and got me green beans. All the beans in my garden are gone. Oh well.

Zita has to go to her new university all day tomorrow and the next tomorrow too. I will be in charge. Ha.

No one will listen to me. Oh well.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Two.

I had a nice quiet day. I helped Zita write all her new stories for her new university. On my cosy duvet. 

Craig did not throw my green ball a way lot of times. He had sore arms. From the pictures at the hospital. Oh well.

Last night Niamh showed me her toes dancing. It is way beautiful.  She is very tall on her very special toes dancing shoes. With all the pink ribbons. Toe dancing is very hard and loud. She is practising for the dance where they fight the giant mice. It will be way scary. It is known.

Uncle Bill and Aunt Louise want to see Niamh do her toe dance in her beautiful special costume. I cannot go. Way too many people Emmet said. He says there are almost too many people for him. Oh well.

Jessie is Comimg to visit tonight. Niamh's dragon has forgotten how to listen to her. That is not good. Jessie knows how to teach dragons to listen better. That is good. 

We have a dragon who lives in the den. It never talks. To anyone. It is silver. It comes from way far away Wales. Maybe it connot speak to people. I can. Sometimes the people understand. Not all the time. It is confusing. Oh well. 

It is hard job being a dog. It is known.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety One

Today is an eary get up day. Oh well. We had a nice walk after Craig took Emmet to his university.

Uncle Bill came over for toasts and coffee. Craig and Zita and Emmet laughed at his stories. It took a way long time before I got my ends of toasts. Too much coffee. Too many long stories. Too much laughing. Oh well.

I had to wait and wait and wait until I got to catch my green ball. Oh well. 

Niamh had to come home with a sore tummy. Too much chocolate milk. Ha.  

Tonight is Zita's go late to her university night. Craig and Niamh will have to make dinner. They will only have toasts. That is what you have to eat when you have a sick tummy. 

Emmet is off with the guys. I do not know where. 

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety

Everyone had to go out today. So I guarded the house. All morning. I did a very good job. I got peanut butter treats.

It is cold today. We had snows last night. I caught lots of them. They are very hard to catch. The wind blows them away. 

They were all gone this morning. Oh well. I had a nice way long walk anyway. That was good.

Tonight is Niamh's dance until late night. Maybe I will get to go in the car to get her. And keep her safe from giant raccoons. Or lions. 

Niamh wore her keep her ears warm hat today. It is not as nice as Emmet's. It does not have ears like me. It is known.

I had a early walk this afternoon. When we still could see the sun. And it was not way too cold. 

I only like the it's a bit cold out. Not when its way too cold out. Not the snow makes way too much noise cold. It is known.

Monday 18 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Nine

We have all the wind there is today.  All the old leafs have blown away. My trees make lots of noise in the wind. My ears flap when I run. It is a way good day for dogs.

Everyone is writing lots. I am helping Zita.  Because my comfy duvet is on the big bed. 

Craig is in the den. He is a prince with a sword and a nasty father. That is not nice. Fathers are nice. They tell stories. And keep you safe and happy.  

He should read different books. Nice books where nasty people do not shoot brave dogs.  It is known.

Emmet is downstairs writing all about old kings and the even way older Gods.  Maybe uncle Bill knew them. He is old too.

Emmet will go out for his long walk. He goes everyday. He thinks about all the way old things he writes all about on his walks. He wears his keep his ears warm hat. The hat has ears just like mine. It is a good hat. I do not have a hat. I have nice furry ears.

He better be careful. The wind will blow him all the way to way far away. He is too skinny. Because he does not eat as much as me Zita says. It is true. Niamh eats more than Emmet. It is known.

Niamh has to go to get her dance a lot picture made. Not by Mr. Bill. That is too bad. Mr. Bill makes the best pictures. It is known. He made my picture. 

Sunday 17 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Eight

We had a nice late day. Because it is Sunday. We have quiet Sundays. And late breakfasts with pancakes and bacon. I do not eat bacon. I eat the ends of Craig's toasts. 

This morning Zita put all the old leafs in big bags. I could not help. I wanted to. I always make a big mess of the leafs.  Oh well. 

Everybody is doing their school work. Except Craig. Craig is in the den watching the football game. Maybe his team will win. He will be surprised. It is known. 

It is raining this afternoon. We will all be soggy. Except Craig. He thinks he will melt in the rain. He is wrong. People are silly. Oh well. 

I had a short walk. Then I had to get into the bath. I was soggy and a bit dirty. Oh well.  

Emmet had a bath too. He was not soggy. Just dirty.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Seven

It is Saturday. Saturday is a quiet day.

Last night Zita's lady friends came here after going out. They had a little cheese party. Nothing dropped. Oh well.

It is Niamh's day to dance all day.  

Zita and I took Craig to his breakfast store. And then we had a nice walk. Everybody told us it was a beautiful day for a walk. We always see nice people on our walks. They were right. It was a very nice day.

Emmet went on a long walk to see all the beautiful trees in his favourite park. The one near where all the nice cows live. Where I do not go. It is a bit far away. 

My friend Jamie came over for a nice visit. We could not find any squirrels. Oh well. 

This afternoon Zita and Craig put up the all the little lights in my patio trees. We are getting ready for winter. And Christmas. With all the little lights on we know that St. Santa can find us. Even way late at night. It is known. 

I wanted to help. I could not. Oh well. it is hard being a dog who just wants to help. It is known.

Friday 15 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Six

Another way too early day.

I had two dinners last night. Ha.  Zita left Craig a note. He did not read it right. I had two dinners. That is good.

We had a nice walk. We went right on the empty pond. There is ice there. Ice is way scary. It makes noise when I step on it. Too noisy. That is way the ducks go on vacation. It is known.

We put up lights on my side yard. We are getting ready for St. Santa's visit. 

Craig finished his sad book. The nice French policeman's nice dog died. He was shot by a nasty man. He was very brave. He saved his policeman's life. 

The policeman was very very sad. He killed the nasty man with an old spear. That is good. They should not write sad books about dogs. Only about squirrels. 

I will talk to St. Newton tonight. He will find the policeman's nice dog a nice place to stay. Where he can chase all the foxes he wants. That is good. 

We went to the little lake for our afternoon adventure. No ducks there either. There are lots of cars on the roads to the little lake. They are very noisy. Oh well.

Niamh's dance friend is going to stay here tonight. They will not sleep. Just laugh. I will have to stay up to guard them. I might get special treats. Ha.

Zita is going to see a funny man with her friends. That is nice. 

Maybe Craig will not forget the recipe tonight. Ha. 

We are going to have own made pizza. No recipe to forget. Ha.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Five

I had a very busy day. We had a nice walk in the morning. Not way too much pulling. That is good.

Everybody had to go all different places today. I guarded the house. With my peanut butter treats.

Zita had a meeting to go to tonight. I could not go. She took her gold big car. Lions are afraid of gold cars. It is known.

Craig and Emmet made dinner. I got some beans.

Craig forgot the recipe for dinner. Too bad for them. They will starve. Or have to eat peanut-butter sandwiches. Ha. 

My dinner was all right. There is no recipe to forget. That is good. 

Niamh had to go toe dancing tonight.  She has to practice a lot. She is going to be in the special all toe dancing night. She has a way beautiful costume. I have not seen it. She told me.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Four

It was our everybody get up very early day.  It is a confusing day. I do not like confusing.  

We do not go for our nice walk when we get up. When we get up everybody has to go away to all their schools. I stay here to guard the house.

When Zita comes home then we have our walk. It is a way late walk. 

Today was very cold. Zita had her long coat and her warm gloves on. I did not wear my cosy coat.

Her gold big car was away getting its do not get stuck tires. We went and got the car from the car store this afternoon on our walk. It was not a very good walk.

I pulled way too much Zita said. Oh dear. I do not know why I was not a good listener today.  Maybe it was too windy. Oh well. 

Later Emmet and Chris and Sava will come to my house from their university to play games in Emmet's cosy room. With all the comfy leather chairs. And all the computers. Ha.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Three

It is not rainy today. That is good. I do not like the rain so much.  I like windy days. That make my ears fly.

We had a nice walk. Then I had to get Niamh up. She would be late for school without me. It is known. She does not wake up very well. I have to jump on to her new big comfy bed. Or she will go back to all asleep. Oh well. 

I do not like the word later. Or waiting. Craig is way too busy being the French policeman with the nice dog. That dog does not have to wait for someone to throw its green ball.

To much coffee. Too much reading. Too much waiting. Oh well. 

We used the noisy make the floors clean machine today.  I had a nice nap.  

There was a very big truck on my corner.  The men were climbing the trees. I told Jamie they were looking for the nasty squirrels. We hope so. Ha.  

Zita is taking her gold big car to Mr. Paul's store to get her do not get stuck in the snow tires put on. They are the tires made by the funny fat man. People are silly.  It is known.

I wait at my window for my people to come home. When they are out. 

I get Craig to watch with me. In case I see a lion. And we need to get the way big cannon from under Emmet's bed. Craig made it for him when he was not so big as now.

Monday 11 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty Two

More Chinese dinner last night. Ha.

We had a cold wet walk this morning. Oh well. A soggy everybody day.

It is the remember all the people who were in all the old wars day. It is very sad day. Niamh and I watched all the very old soldiers on our television in the den. We sat on the blue sofa. That is good.

They had a parade. And they had lots of bagpipes. And big drums. And cold legs. They were wearing their kilts. That is why scots people have to eat porridge all the time. To keep warm. It is known. 

Craig said that there were lots of Bouviers in the way old war. They were a big help. They pulled little wagons for the hurt soldiers. That was very brave. 

I am very brave too. Except for big rolling garbage cans. I have to be big help and very brave to guard my family. It is my job.

Emmet walked home from his university. He was soggy too. 

Zita and I went to the hardware store where they give nice dogs treats. That is good. 

When we walked home there was way too much rain. We were all too soggy. Zita had to put on new clothes. I did not have to do that. I am a dog. 

Tonight is Niamh's dance late at night day. I will help to drive her home. Even if it is way dark outside. With lions. 

Sunday 10 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty One

We had Chinese dinner last night. From the way good Chinese food store. Everybody dropped lots and lots. St. Newton was here to help me. It is known.

All the snow is gone. Just cold rain. I was a soggy dog again. And cold. The squirrels did not freeze. Oh well. 

Zita is gone to her all day at her new university. Her new university is a friend of St. Newton. 

Niamh did not get up until way late. The same time as Emmet. Ha. Craig and I were awake for a long long time before them. Outside throwing my green ball. Ha.

Niamh made peanut butter cookies for everybody after she got up. I got some. That is good.

Emmet and Sava remembered what day they had to go to the way loud movie. It was today. They are silly. It is known.

I stayed home to guard Craig. And catch my green ball. 

Tomorrow is the sad day when we remember all the people who died in the way long ago wars. It is allways a sad day.  

There is a nice statue for all the soldier dogs who helped. Some of them died too. It is always a sad day. It is known.

Old Colonel George was in a long ago war. Craig's father flew in big airplanes in another long ago war. They did not die. Their friends did. That is why it is a sad day.

More Chinese food tonight. Ha.  

Saturday 9 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty

It is a get up early day. 

Today is a go to university all weekend day for Zita. This is Niamh's dance all day day too.

Just Craig and Emmet at home. And me to take care of them.  Craig did not go to his breakfast. He had to stay at home so Niamh would not sleep all the time and miss her dance a lot day.

I got Craig to throw my green ball. It will make his arm all better. It is known.

Emmet went for his walk. He wore his keep his ears warm hat. It was snowing all afternoon. All my tree are white. And the grass. Oh well. 

The squirrels cannot hide on the snow. Ha. Maybe they will freeze. Ha. 

Emmet has a way big picture. It says "Winter Is Comimg". It is right. Oh well.

Friday 8 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Seventy Nine

There was snow on the sky this morning before my walk. It was all gone before I got home. 

I got to guard the house today. Everybody was gone away. I got peanut butter treats. Ha. 

All the nice people came to get the newspapers to give away. I did not bark much. That is good.

Emmet had his know everything about all the way old Gods who people forgot except Emmet exam today. He got one wrong. Oh well. 

Emmet and Chris and Sava were going to one of the loud movies. They did not go. They forgot which day they wanted to go. Ha.Too bad for them. They will go tomorrow and eat lots of hot chips and hamburgers.  

Niamh went out today to find all the special clothes for her Christmas dance a lot night. 

They going to do the dance where they break all the nuts and fight the awful mice. With cannons. 

Niamh and I watched it on our television in the den a long time ago. Niamh likes the music. That is good. I did not like the mice. 

No mice here. Just squirrels. And very big lions hiding in the bushes at night. That is why nobody should go out at night without me. I tell them that. They do not listen. It is hard being a dog in this house. Oh well.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Seventy Eight.

It is newspaper day. The machine that makes all the newspaper will not work. Oh dear.  

Everyone is waiting.

 I had a nice walk with Jamie this morning. Then I helped Zita with all her writing. On my cosy duvet.

Craig threw my green ball. Not so much today. He said that his too sore arm needed a little rest.  That is good. He did not forget how to throw my green ball.

Uncle Bill came over for tea and cookies. And to make Emmet and Zita laugh. He is a funny man.

His phone sounds like his noisy motorcycle. That is silly. Oh well

Niamh and I went for my before dinner walk. Zita had to fix her toe dance shoes. With pretty ribbons.

It is after my dinner and no papers are here yet. Oh dear.

Zita said I was a very pretty dog. It is true. And very fierce. Most of the time. Especially when I have my blue bone. Ha.  

The nice men with the way way big truck brought our papers. I only barked a bit. They said I was a very polite dog. They are right.  

Mr. Tony is going to send us pizza from his pizza store.  I cannot have pizza.   Oh well.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Seventy Seven

It is the get up way too early day. 

I had a nice day. I was a big help. We moved the cars a lot. I helped. I like helping. 

Last night Zita and I got Niamh at her dance until late class. We took Zita's gold big car. We did not see any lions. Lions are afraid of Zita's gold car. Ha.

Emmet learned all about Bad King John today.  He was a bad king and all the brave knights made him write a letter promising to be good. He forgot all about it. That is why he was a bad king.  Then Bad King John lost all his treasure in the river.  Then he could not be king. Too bad for him.

Emmet and I are going go to way far away and find it. He will write a story about how Emmet and his brave dog found the treasure and gave it to the nice Queen. It will be a good story. We will keep some of the treasure to buy me a new Red Ball.

Zita has her stay late night at her new university. Emmet and Niamh and Craig will eat nice sandwiches Zita left. And vegetables. Ha.

Craig went to the not so nice doctor at the hospital. Now his arms are sore. Maybe he will not be able to throw my green ball tomorrow. Oh dear.

Craig said her family used to steal cows way long ago in way far away Scotland. He should not go to that kind of doctor.  It is known. My Doctor Smith would not steal cows. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Day Four a Hundred and Seventy Six

I had another nice walk. I get two breakfasts now.  A little one before we go on our walk. And another one when we get home. I do not know why. Oh well.

Everybody is still writing lots and lots. University people need to write all the time. 

When they are not writing they have to read lots and lots so they can write stories for the university. That is why you have to drink big cups of tea and eat donuts when you go to university. 

When Zita cannot write any more we go for nice walks and have treats. That is good. 

I like treats and nice walks. Not late at night when the lions hide in the bushes. Or in big garbage cans. 

Emmet finished his story about the old war. Now it is time for Emmet to remember all about way way old gods. Who everybody forgot about. That is sad. Except Emmet. He is friends with all the way old gods. That is nice. 

Everyone should have friends. Even way old ones. Like Craig and Uncle Bill. 

Monday 4 November 2013

Day four Hundred and Seventy Five

I had a nice walk. It is a bit cold. Zita has her not so very warm gloves on today.

Craig and Emmet had to go to the doctor so they do not get the fly away. 

Paul did not get it. It is going to fly away to way far away. Craig is taking him to the airplane so he will not get lost. He is going to fix a bathtub. They do not have hot water in way far away. Emmet said. Oh well. 

Everybody is writing writing writing. Not a lot of time for throwing my green ball. Oh well.

Tonight Niamh has dance until late. We have to get her. Because of the lions I think. 

Sunday 3 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Seventy Four

I had a nice day. It is always quiet on Sundays. Except when the make all the floors clean machine is on. We had muffins. We made them ourselves. Nothing dropped. Oh well. 

Craig and I threw the green ball a lot today. That is good. It is a very sunny day. Craig does not mind very sunny days. Not like rainy days. Or snowy days. 

We got up late today. All the clocks made more time. I do not know how. People have silly rules. Now it gets dark when I go for my other walk. I do not like that. Lions hide in the dark. 

Dogs do not need clocks. It is known. 

Saturday 2 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Seventy Three

It was a nice quiet day.

Zita was at the new university helping people pay attention. All day.

Saturday is Niamh's dance all day day. She forgot to wake up. She was almost late. Silly Niamh. I had to jump on her bed to get her up. Ha.

Craig and I played throw my green ball a lot today.

After I go away to the make me beautiful store I do not like to be way far way from my people. In case they forgot who I am.  People forget sometimes. It is known. 

Craig made marks on Emmet's story all about the old war where all the poor horses went to the wrong place. Where the other side had big cannons. That is not fair. A silly war. 

It is cold out today. Emmet had to wear his warm ears hat. I was not cold. Except my bottom. Oh well.

I had a big nap in Niamh's room. It is a soft room. Lots of soft clothes on the floor. It is a good place for a nice nap. Craig says it is a messy room. That is not true. It is a nice soft room for nice warm naps. It is known. Ha.

Friday 1 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Seventy Two

We had lots and lots of people come to my house for the special treats for everyone night. 

I went to the door every time. With Zita. To give treats to all the little children. Even the way too scary ones. No dogs came.  Oh well. 

Niamh and Emily and Cara came over with their beautiful dress me up costumes. That was nice. I did not know who they were. Oh well.

It did not rain very much last night. No way too soggy people. That is good. Niamh got way too much chocolate. Zita says she will have to help her eat it all. Ha.

I went to the make me beautiful store this morning. I worry that they will forget where they left me and I will never get home. Zita did remember and I am home now. 

I am much smaller now. Now I have a cold bottom. Sitting on the cold patio is way too cold. Oh well. 

Craig says I am beautiful. He can see my lovely eyes. That is nice. I am way glad to be home. The make me beautiful store makes me tired. It is known.

Zita has to work tomorrow. At her new university. To help people do what is right. And not be sad. That is nice. She does not need my help. Oh well.

Craig went to Dr. Smith's hospital store and got my special food so I will not starve. That is good. 

It is very windy today. Flappy ears. It is known.