Wednesday 17 August 2022

Day Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Six

I took Zita on a lovely walk this morning.

We went up to our busy street to visit our nice bank.

But it was not open because it was very early.

So none of my friends were there and I did not get my treat today. I was a bit sad. 

But it was a lovely day anyway. Ha. 

After Niamh had her breakfast she went to the lovely store on her very fast bicycle.

Then Zita went outside to use our now very sharp cut the grass machine so I stayed inside.

Because it might chop off all my toes by mistake.

Then the bandage nurse came here and Miss Pam too. All at the same time.

We had a very busy morning. 

But it was so nice this morning I had my before lunchtime nap outside in my side yard.

And Zita and her go fast car went to do some important errands.

Craig just stayed in the den so he would not get painted. Ha. 

I did not stay outside for a long time in the afternoon. 

Because it got too hot for me.

So I only went out to scare away those noisy aeroplanes. Too bad for them.

We had a very quiet morning today.

Last night Miss Emily came to my house. When it was my bedtime. 

But she did not come in for a visit. 

Because she and Niamh sat on our lovely swing and talked for a long time. In the dark. Oh my goodness me.

But the smelly skunk did not come back. So they were not all smelly. Ha. 

I went back to fast asleep. Ha..

In the afternoon Miss Pam was all finished and she took away all her painting things.

And Zita put some of our lovely furniture back to where it should be. 

But not my very comfy rug. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

And our dinning room table was empty again. 

So we can have real dinnertimes again. That is good.

But Craig changed some of his black music machines. And even lots of wires. 

I do not know why. Maybe it is a secret. Maybe. 

Music machines have too many messy wires. Oh my goodness me.

I stayed as safe as could be nearly in the kitchen. Ha. 

Zita put the curtains in the clean the clothes machine. 

Because when we took them down all of a sudden they were dirty. Oh my goodness me. 

We had rolled up chicken for our together dinner. 

Then Craig had to fix the music machines again. 

Two more times. Oh my goodness me.

Because of the too many wires. And he was not so very happy. Oh well. 

Then Niamh went downstairs for her after dinner relax.

And Craig and Zita and I watched our detective program. 

Until it was our bedtime. 

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