Monday 15 August 2022

Day Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Four

It was a very beautiful morning.

But we could not sit in the living room and look out our lovely windows.

Because of the painting. Oh my goodness me.

I could not go in.

Because I just might turn into a giant paint brush. All by myself. Oh my goodness gracious me. 

So Zita and I went for a bit of a big walk. Ha.

But it was go back to work Monday.

So then Zita and I went into our rascal ladies office so we could do our together work. 

And when Craig was all dressed he made Zita a fluffy coffee. 

And then he went into the den to have his own coffee.

Because he could not go in the living room either.

Because of the painting. Too bad for us. 

At lunchtime Zita’s not so fast bicycle took her downtown to her other office.

To find things she needed for our very busy afternoon. 

When Niamh was all awake Miss Sash came here. In her no roof Jeep.

And because it was a beautiful day they went to a little river so they could go swimming. 

Because it was a bit warm this afternoon.

And maybe they had a tasty snack in that little town.

Because it has a famous very delicious bakery. Right there in the little town.  Ha.

And that little town even has it’s own very very long bridge. 

And that bridge has an all over roof. Ha. That is a good idea.

And that is where Niamh and Miss Sash went swimming today. Oh my goodness.

This afternoon Zita had an important meeting on her computer.

So I had my afternoon nap in the kitchen.

Because I could not go in the living room.

Because of the still being painted room. 

After my nap I had my first dinner and then it was time for Craig and Zita’s dinnertime.

We had fluffy eggs on toasts. And we had them in the den. 

Because of the painting. 

So then we watched our new detective program. 

Until it was our bedtime.

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