Sunday 30 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Nine

It was our get up very early in the morning day.

Because Emmet has a very early in the morning class at his other university.

I guarded the house all by myself. 

Because Zita is still in way far away. Even when I look in all the rooms she is still not there. Oh dear. 

And my friend Niamh is still not here either. Just Craig and and Emmet. Oh dear. That is not so much fun.

We did not even have our toasts until Craig brought Emmet back from his other university.

Then we had two toasts. The very crunchy bread toasts. Ha. Good for me. 

And we played catch the ball a lot. Ha. Good for me.

It is the very scary night. When everybody has scary costumes and go to all the houses to get lots of candy. 

We are not going to play the game tonight.

Because it is only Craig and I who are here. Sometimes I get a bit scared of the scary costumes. 

Sometimes they have all flashing lights. That is scary. I do not like that so much. 

So we will just pretend we are out for a long nice walk. Just us. 

But we will stay in the den. And turn all the lights off. Ha. 

Maybe we will watch the program all about finding way old underneath the ground castles. 

In way far away. Maybe. It is a funny program. Ha. It is not so scary.

Emmet is very busy writing all brand new stories for his two universities. 

All about not so interesting books for little children. In not way so old Russia. 

There were not even little dogs in the stories. 

That is why they are not so very good books. Ha. Too bad for them. 

Niamh is writing a new story too. In her far away university. 

About a man who lived in a dangerous jungle. A long time ago. Oh well. 

He did not even have a nice house. Only a big tree. Too bad for him. 

He did not have a nice dog. Only a big monkey. Too bad for him. Oh well. 

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Eight

We had a little sleep in today. 

Because it is sleep in Sunday. Ha.

Craig came home from his nice dinner not so late last night.

After his nice dinner he went to the too much money food store. 

It is beside the nice restaurant.

He brought home a big bag full of tasty food. 

Even lunchtime croissants for us. 

And lots of little chocolate croissants for my friend Emmet. 

And two very fat like a ball special from France breads. For the crunchy toasts. Ha. That is a good store. 

Last night Emmet and I had own made pasta. With lots of cheese for our dinner. That is good. 

Then I guarded him and our own house. All by myself. Until Craig came home. 

Today Miss Lily came to my house after lunchtime. Then we went for a very long walk. 

I was a very good listener. I only tried to catch one awful squirrel. Ha. Good for me. 

It is not rainy today. We were not soggy at all. That is good.

Craig and I do not go for walks so much. 

The go fast chair is not as fast as me. I am a very fast walker. It is known. 

And sometimes it goes all upside down. With Craig inside. Oh dear. That is not right. 

So Craig and I played catch the ball a lot of times today. Good for me.

My friend Lee wants me to take her for nice walks too. Ha. 

Because I am a very good walker guard.

I got cheese on my breakfast today. 

Because I am very busy guarding the house. And Craig and Emmet. 

Zita is not here. So I have lots more work. 

I have to look in every room in my house lots of times. Every day. 

Even downstairs in the scary basement. To guard my friend Emmet. 

After lunch Craig had to watch the football game. But only a bit. 

Because the present man brought him his new nearly a Viking book. 

He has to read it. So Mister nearly a Viking can get his own castle back. It is a good book. 

Craig has lots of the nearly a Viking books. 

We are going to have Irish chicken tonight. And a salad with lots of lettuce. Emmet always gives me big lettuce treats. 

Because I am I good kitchen helper. Ha. Good for me. 

We talked to Zita on Craig's little flat computer. 

She is at Auntie Eileen's house in way far away. With all our lady cousins too. 

They are not so far from cousin Ciara's way old broken castle university. And the ghosts. Ha. 

Saturday 29 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Seven

Zita talked to us last night. From way far away. On the telephone. Ha. 

She was making a made all of cheese cake. With our cousin Ciara. 

At Zita's parent's house. In way far away Dublin. Ha. 

An all full of cheese cake. Ha. That is a good cake. 

Because today is cousin Orlaith's now you are old sing happy birthday day. 

They are going to have a giant lots of cheese for everybody party. And even some wine. Maybe. 

It is just for everybody in way far away Ireland. Not me. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

We had two toasts today. Good for us. Craig did not have even one too much coffees.

Because he had to go to his old friends breakfast. That is where he has his. way too much coffee. On Saturday.

I did not take him today. He did not get lost. That is good. 

Because Zita is still in way far away Ireland. 

I had to stay here to guard my friend Emmet. He was still way fast asleep.

Craig went to the make you neat and tidy store. After his tasty breakfast. 

Now is is not all too messy. Ha. Just a bit messy. That is good.

Then my friend Miss Lily and I went for a nice walk. 

Even on the same streets Zita and I go on. Ha. That is good. 

Miss Lily is very tall. Ha. That is good. She plays throw the basketball game. At the dance a lot school. 

But Miss Lily goes to the write a lot of beautiful stories school. 

It is the same school. I do not know why. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

I was a very soggy dog when we got home. It is a little rain all the time day. 

Craig and I stayed in the kitchen. Until I was all warm and dry as a very dry dog. 

We had cheesie scones for our lunch. Ha. When I was all dry. Good for us. 

Craig and his sister are going to a nice restaurant for a tasty dinner. Tonight. 

I will just stay here to guard my friend Emmet. 

He has to talk to his friend from way far away Germany. 

All about his way old Gods important stories. Ha. Good for me. 

Maybe I will have a nice nap. Maybe. 

Friday 28 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Six

Craig came home from the aeroport last night. He did not bring back my friend Zita.

Because she had to go to way far away Ireland. Last night. All by herself. Oh dear.

That is why I do not like the aeroport so much. Because it just catches people. Oh dear. That is not very nice. 

I slept on the top of the big bed last night. To guard Craig. He was not afraid. Either was I.

Because I am a very fierce guarding dog. Ha. Good for me. 

A very noisy man came to my house way early this morning. To fix the nearly a hole in the basement floor. 

Because nasty dirty water came out the hole. Right on to the floor. Oh dear. That is not right. 

The man had a very noisy machine. It was very loud. I went outside. It was not so loud in my side yard. 

But Emmet did not even wake up one bit. Ha. 

And the noisy man was nearly in Emmet's own comfy bedroom. That is silly.

Last night Emmet had another very big good idea about his very important story. 

So he can get lots of real money for his next university. Ha. That is good. 

He told Craig all about it. I had a nice nap. There were no nice dogs in the story. Just old church people. 

It was not so interesting to me. Oh well. 

Craig did not go to his meeting today. I do not know why. Oh well. 

Maybe the Queen is busy. Waving at all the people. In way far away England. Maybe.

Zita called us on the telephone. She is having a nice nap. Upstairs. In her parent's house. 

Because the aeroplane make you very tired. 

And they even have different times in way far away Ireland. I do not know why. 

Maybe Emmet's friends the way old Gods made their very own times. 

Just in way far away Ireland. Maybe.

Zita's aeroplane did not crash at all. That is good. 

My friend Niamh got her brand new little refrigerator. For her little room. At the far away university. 

Now she will not starve to death at nighttime. 

When all the just for the university food stores are closed up. That is good. 

Craig's sister Mrs. Jane is coming to visit her mother. At the little apartment. 

Because of her too sore leg. 

We are going to have some tasty used hamburgers for our dinner tonight. 

Because Craig and Emmet have to make their own tasty dinners. Ha. Too bad for them.

We have to watch the hockey game tonight. 

You cannot watch the detectives from way far away if Zita is not here. It is known. 

Only hockey games and scary programs with Vikings or dragons. 

I do not watch scary programs. I have nice naps instead. Ha. 

Because I am always in charge when Zita is in way far away Ireland. Ha. Good for me. 

Thursday 27 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Five

Zita and I went for a long long walk in the flappy ear wind. Ha. Good for us.

It was a very busy day today. 

Because today is Zita's day to fly all away to way far away Ireland. Tonight. Before our bedtime. Oh dear.

My friend Emmet is way way busy too.

He has lots and lots of stories to write for his two universities. Oh dear. 

He has to make lots of Irish tea. You need lots of tea to write long stories. 

He is going to his nice university to live in the beautiful library.

And talk to Miss Francis. So he can find all his way interesting books. 

Miss Francis knows where all the books are. Even the all lost ones. It is known. 

Then he had to go to the other library at his other university too.

Craig drove him in the silver little car. 

And Niamh is way busy too. Writing new stories too. At her far away university. 

Craig had to go to the special doctor. This afternoon. To see all about his still not all right nose. 

It is because his nose is way too small. Ha. Too bad for him.

My friends Mister Elliot and Miss Gracie are going to a sing happy birthday day party. 

For their friend Mrs. Kelly. Maybe they will have a cheese party Maybe. 

Zita used the very noisy machine to blow away all the fallen down leaves on our patio. 

I could not help. Too bad for me.

Then she had to go to the way too small office. I guarded Craig. Until he had to go to the special doctor. 

Then I guarded the house. All by myself. Good for me. 

Before our tasty dinner Zita had to put a giant box in Craig's car. To take to her brother in way far away. 

It is a giant nearly a wagon for our cousin Sarah. 

Craig had to drive her to the aeroport. Oh dear. It is too far to walk. 

I do not like the aeroport so much. It is where people go. When they go far away. 

I do not like it when my family is far away. At all. 

Niamh is far away. At her far away university. And Zita will be all in way far away Ireland. 

She will not sleep in her comfy bed. For a long time. Oh dear. I do not like that. 

I will be the only lady in our house. That is why I will be in charge. Ha. 

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Four

We had to get up way early this morning. 

Because my friend Emmet had to go to the let you drive a car exam. Again. Very early.

He had lots of pieces of paper that said Emmet was only Emmet. And not even someone else. Ha. Good for him.

Then he got his piece of paper. 

Now he can practice driving the car. With Zita to help him not to just crash. Ha. That is good. 

I cannot go with them. Zita says it is the rule. That is a silly rule. 

Mrs. Ginny went for her nice walk today. To our beautiful all empty pond. But only with Mister Ollie. That is sad. 

Mister Bill made a picture of Mrs. Ginny and Maggie and Mister Ollie.

Mister Saint Newton told me that Shadow and Zorro were just there waiting for Maggie. To say a nice hello.

Maybe Uncle Bill will give her a ride in the flying motorcycle too. Maybe. Good for them. 

Emmet and professor Jill are going to a brand new restaurant for a nice lunch. 

They will just talk all about the nice university. And maybe me. Ha. 

Craig's mother had to go back to the other hospital again. In the middle of the night.

Because of her sore leg again. Oh dear. Too bad for her. 

Zita went to see her before she had to talk to the rascal ladies. On the telephone. 

But then Craig's mother came back to her little apartment. With fat pills. Ha. 

Tomorrow Zita has to go to the aeroport. 

Because that is where all aeroplanes that fly to way far away live. 

She is going to way far away Dublin. To see her father and mother. All all the cousins.

It will even be cousin Orlaith's now you are old sing happy birthday day when Zita is there. 

We got her a secret present. 

Maybe she will see cousin Ciara's way way old university. It has a real castle. Right at the front door. Ha. 

That is a good university. 


But it a bit all broken. That is why ghosts live there. Oh well.

The very very old university has other big buildings. They have have roofs. That is good. 

Maybe ghosts do not live there. Only old professors. Maybe. 

Zita and I went to our nice bank. Up on the busy street. For our nice before our dinner walk. I had to guard her all the way to the bank. 

Because we had rascal ladies money to give to the bank. Ha. Good for me.

I got giant treats at the bank for being a very good guarder. Ha. Good for me. 

Maybe we will watch the detectives tonight. 

Before my friend Zita has to go on the very big aeroplane. To go to way far away Ireland. By herself.

I will stay here to guard Craig and Emmet and our own house. Ha. Good for me. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Three

Zita and I went for a long long nice walk this morning.

It was a flappy ear day. Ha. Good for me.

Craig had a little sleep in today. Because of the sneezing cold. Too bad for him.

Emmet was even up early.

Because he had to write to Niamh on the telephone. Even though he was still fast asleep too. Too bad for him.

Zita has to go to a get all dressed up party meeting today. Until even after our dinner. 

It is at the special dinning room at the top of the giant building. Way downtown. 

It is an only all dressed up dinning room. 

I could not go. Even though I was at the make you beautiful store yesterday. That is not very nice. 

Zita said they will not even have treats for nice dogs. 

Only for the rascal ladies. That is not very nice. Too bad for me.

Craig had to go to my nice hospital. To get my big bag of food. 

So I will not just starve to death. That is good.

Craig and Emmet will have their own made dinner tonight. With me too.

Emmet is reading a way way old book. From Wales. For his other university.

Wales is where all the fierce dragons live. In the very little mountains. 

And eat all the nasty people. Ha. 

Professor Alex is from Wales. She did not have a dragon. Oh well. Maybe next time. Maybe. 

We had a sad afternoon today. 

Miss Maggie went all the way to Heaven this afternoon. She did not want to stay here anymore. 

Because she was too sore to chase the awful squirrels. Miss Maggie hated squirrels. Just like me.

Dogs do not need any help to find Heaven. Mister God gave us the nose map when we are just born. Ha. Good for us.

Miss Maggie was a Scotsman chase the sheep back home dog. Just like Niamh's friend Shadow. 

He is in Heaven too. Now they can be friends. 

And chase all the sheep clouds all over Heaven. They are way good chaser dogs. It is known. That is good. 

They will like that. It is good to have a nice friend. Even in Heaven. 

I will talk to Mister Saint Newton tonight. So Mister Shadow will know Miss Maggie is our friend. 

Mister Bill and Mrs. Ginny are very sad. And Ollie. Ollie was Miss Maggie friend. Oh dear. Oh dear. 

We are all sad too. Miss Maggie was a very nice dog. Oh dear. 

We had icy rain this afternoon. That is not right. It is too soon for icy rain. 

Craig will have to watch the hockey game tonight.

Because Zita is at special important party.

Craig cannot watch detectives if Zita is not here too. 

Or he will not know who did it. Ha. Too bad for him. 

Monday 24 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Two

Zita and I had to get up very early this morning.

Because today was my go to the make you beautiful store day. 

It is just up on our busy street. It is not so far away from my house. That is good. 

We had to go very early in the morning. Craig was not even awake. 

Because he and Emmet were caught by the coughs and sneezes cold. Too bad for them.

I came home in our brand new go fast car. Ha.

And I had cheesie treats on my very late breakfast. Ha.

I only had a little breakfast this morning. So I would not have a sick tummy at the make you beautiful store. 

Craig and Zita said now I am even more beautiful. That is true. 

And I am not even way too furry anymore. Ha. Good for me. 

Then I had a nap. 

Because going to the make you beautiful store always makes me very tired. Oh well.

After lunchtime Emmet had to go to an exam. So he can drive a car. All by himself. 

Maybe we can go for nice rides. Maybe.

Craig is going to drive him to the exam store. 

Craig had the exam a very long time ago. When they only had horses. Ha. Because he is old. 

So he can drive the car and the police will not catch him and get him in trouble. That is good.

Last night I went down to the scary basement. For a long time. 

I guarded my friend Emmet in his cosy bedroom. It is my job. He was reading his fat interesting books. 

When Craig and Emmet came home Emmet still could not drive the car. 

Because Emmet could not take the exam. 

Because he needed a different piece of paper. To say Emmet was just Emmet. Not anybody else. That is silly. 

Craig said somebody should tell our nice Queen. She would not be so happy. Oh dear. 

Now Emmet will have to go back to the exam store again. Oh dear.

Zita was very busy with all the rascal ladies again. Then she had to go to the too small office again. After lunchtime.

I guarded the house. All by myself. Ha.

I went for our nice walk with my friend Jamie. And professor Jill too. That was good. We have not seen them in a long time. Ha. Now we have. 

Tonight we will watch Mister Tom's detectives from way far away. On the television. 

I will have a nice nap. 

Sunday 23 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty One

My friend Zita did not sleep in her comfy bed last night. 

Because she was at the not so far away cottage. With all her lady friends.


The nice ladies sent me a picture. From the cottage. 

There was a dog there. It was a very little dog. I am not so little. Oh well. 

I could not go with Zita. Too bad for them. 

Because I had to guard Craig and Emmet. All night. By myself. 

I had to sleep right at the top on the bed. So Craig would not be too scared. Ha. Good for me.

I did not go for a nice walk this morning. 

I had to help Craig make the toasts and the too much coffee. Just for us. 

We had the very heavy bread from the very tasty bread store. 

It is special tasty toasts bread. Ha. Good for us.

We played catch the ball a lot this morning.

Because it is a beautiful day. Just all blue sky and no windy rain at all. Ha. That is good. 

I was not even a little bit soggy today. That is good. It is not so nice to be a soggy dog. 

We had Mister Tony's tasty pizza last night. I got pizza bits. Ha. Good for me.

We ate our pizza in the den. We watched the hockey game. Craig's team did not win. Oh well.

Emmet ate downstairs. In his cosy bedroom. 

Because he was way tired. He was at the giant Irish house all day yesterday. 

Even past our dinner time. He was listening to all the professors. 

They just talked about Ireland when it was all full up with dangerous people. And our relatives too. 

He did not even fall asleep one time. Good for him. 

So he went to his comfy bed early. And had a nice sleep in today.

Craig and Emmet got caught by little colds. Oh well. They sneeze a lot. 

Because their noses are way too small. Ha. Too bad for them. 

Zita came home this afternoon. From the not to far away cottage. That is good. 

Then we had a nice walk. All around. 

Because it is a way beautiful day today. That is good.

Maybe we will watch the detectives on the television tonight. Maybe. 

And not the hockey game. Ha. That is good. 

My friend Niamh is a way good little children guarder. Doctor Tanya said so. Ha. That is good. 

I am a way good guarder teacher. It is known. 

Saturday 22 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty

It was another too much rainy day.

We got up way early. Before it was even all bright outside.

Because Craig had to take Emmet to his important meeting. Way early in the morning.

With lots and lots of Profesors. From lots of other universities. 

He will hear them talk all about the dangerous time in way far away Ireland. 

He is even going to have his Irish tea for breakfast there. 

Because everybody there is Irish. Ha. That is funny. Even Emmet. 

And his tasty lunch. And has to stay until past dinnertime. 

He brought all his very interesting papers with him. 

Because nobody had ever seen them before. Ever. 

Even the pictures. All about our dangerous relatives in way far away.

Then Craig went to his old friends breakfast all by himself. 

Because he had the silver little car. Not me.

Zita and I had a long walk. In the windy rain. When Zita was all wide awake. 

I was very very soggy when we were home. I stayed in the kitchen. Until I was as dry as a fluffy towel. 

When Craig came home Zita was nearly all ready to go to Kathy's cottage. To see all the cottage visit lady friends. And eat delicious food. 

So I had to guard Craig all by myself. Then Mister Rick came for a nice visit. 

To look at all the DVDs in the basement. He found lots of programs to watch at his house. 

Mister Rick always makes us a big box of own made tasty treats at Merry Christmas time. That is nice.

Then Miss Rima came to get the tell you all about what is going to happen to you board. That is silly.

Only the all about the weather people on the television know what is going to happen to you. It is known.

I had a very busy afternoon guarding everybody. I only a a little nap. On the big comfy bed. Too bad for me. 

Maybe Emmet and Craig are going to have to make their own dinner. All by themselves. 

Or get nice Mister Tony bring us a tasty pizza. Ha. Maybe.

Friday 21 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Nine

It is a very soggy day today.

Zita and I went for a long walk this morning. 

I had my all the way from way far away Ireland keep me nearly dry coat on. 

When we got home we were all soggy. Zita even had to put on new pants. 

Because of the windy rain today.

Zita and Craig had to go to the other hospital last night. 

Because Craig's mother forgot where she was. And would not go home. Oh dear.

Zita had to go in the special ambulance with her. Back to her little apartment. Oh dear. 

Craig and Zita did not even have dinner here. I stayed here to guard Emmet. 

Nice Mister Kettleman made some tasty all full up bagel sandwiches for them. When they got home from the other hospital.

Then they went to bed. Everybody was way too tired. Me too. 

Miss Andrea came for a visit this morning. To drink some tea. And talk. 

Emmet had an important meeting to go to. At his nice university. Before his all about the Russians class. 

So Zita drove Miss Andrea to her house and then she took Emmet to his nice university. 

I stayed here to guard Craig. Good for me. He was just writing for our nice Queen. 

Tomorrow Emmet and some professors from way far away Ireland are going to a meeting. In a giant house. 

To look at Emmet's grandfather's very old papers. They are all about our way dangerous relatives. 

The ones who all went to jail. From a long time ago. 

Because they stole the post office. Ha. That was silly. People should not steal anything. 

Because the sad detective will just catch you. Oh dear. Then we will watch you on the television. Too bad for you. 

When he goes to the important meeting Emmet will wear his going to a special cheese party clothes. And his blue shoes. Ha. Good for him. 

We had giant sandwiches for lunch. Toasty sandwiches. Even with lettuce. Ha. Good for me. 

Mister Bill brought us a way beautiful picture of my friend Niamh. From her special dance night. Just her. 

Zita put right on the wall. In the living room. Ha. Good for us. 

Mister Bill is famous. Now Niamh will be famous too. Ha. Good for them. 

Tomorrow Zita is going to Kathy's cottage. With lots of other ladies. To have tasty food. 

She is going to sleep there too. Oh dear.

I will have to guard Craig and Emmet by myself. Ha. It is my job. Guarding my family. It is known. 

Thursday 20 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Eight

Zita and I had a little walk this morning. 

Before the too much windy rain came. It was not so nice a day outside.

We did not have our nice toasts today. Oh dear. 

Because Craig had to drive my friend Emmet to his other university. Early.

Because he had a remember everything exam today. All about the way way old Irish stories. Oh dear. 

I do not like remembering everything exams so much. 

Because sometimes I forget to remember everything I remember. 

Sometimes I do not want to remember. 

Like not barking at the awful squirrels. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

This morning I had to guard the house all by myself. 

Because Zita had another rascal ladies meeting. Downtown. 

Then she came home to talk to them on the telephone. 

I guard the house by myself because everybody is too busy to be a good helper. Too bad for me. 

I watched all the windy rain from my own watching window. 

I did not go out so much today. I do not like being a soggy dog so much. 

Zita put my comfy bed in the make the clean machine. Now it is all fluffy. And comfy. That is good. 

We watched the sad detective last night. He always catches the nasty people. 

But he is not so happy. It is not nice to be so sad. Too bad for him.

We only went for a little nice walk this afternoon because of the too much windy rain. 

I did not want to go. Either did Zita. But we just went anyway. 

Because if I do not go for nice walks maybe I will forget how to walk. Maybe.

Like my friend Craig. He forgot how to walk a very long time at. Oh well. Too bad for him. 

We were just all soggy when we go back to our comy house. 

Zita is going out tonight. For tasty dessert with her lady friends. Even in the windy rain. 

I will stay here and guard Craig and Emmet. Ha. That is an easy job. 

They just stay here too. And read interesting books. 

Or Craig watches his hockey team. Sometimes they even win. That is good. 

But not all the time. Oh well.

I am going to the make me beautiful store very soon. Ha. Good for me.

I am too furry again. Soon I will be not just all furry. I will just be beautiful. 

All the ladies in our house are very beautiful. Craig said so. It is true. Ha. Good for us. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Seven

I had a nice quiet day. 

Zita and I had a nice walk all over this morning.

And then we had fat crunchy toasts. With the special very tasty toast bread. Ha. Good for us. 

The make the house all spic and span ladies came today. Now the house is all clean. Everywhere.

Craig drove Emmet to the nice university at lunch time. 

Then he went to the eat in your car restaurant. I could smell it. Ha. Too bad for him. 

Zita was way busy with the rascal ladies. All day. 

She told me she works only a bit for them. That is not true. 

She works for the rascal ladies all the time. I know. 

Because I guard her when she is working. I guard her all the time. Ha. Too bad for her. 

Tonight is Emmet's stay until late night at his nice university. 

We will have our tasty dinner early tonight. So we can all have our dinner together. That is good. 

It is not so nice to eat you dinner just all by yourself. 

Then he can go to his class. So he can know everything about way long time ago beer. 

Emmet does not drink beer. He drinks Irish tea. 

He has a little all red book. It says he is Irish and has to drink Irish tea. Not just English tea. It is known. 

It is not so warm today. That is good. It was nearly hot again yesterday. That is silly.

It is all the leafs fall down time. It should not be nearly hot. That is silly.

Craig's hockey team won last night. I did not see it. I had a nice nap instead. 

We watched the detectives on the island with all the sandy beaches last night. 

That is a funny program. The detectives do not have any nice dogs to help them. They do not catch the nasty people until the very end of the program. Too bad for them. 

If they had a fierce helper dog they could catch the nasty people faster. 

And then go home for a nice nap. And not have to stay until the program was all done. Ha. 

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Four

My tummy was not sick today. Not even once. Ha. Good for me.

Maybe I will get treats today. Maybe.

Even green been treats. Ha. Good for me.

Today is our very early day. We do not have toasts and too much coffees on early days. Oh well. Too bad for me.

Craig drove Emmet to his other university. Emmet is still way sore. From playing the Irish hockey game.

Craig said maybe he pulled something off. Oh dear.

I pulled my leg off one time. I could not run or go for nice walks for a long long time. Oh dear.

Maybe Emmet will not go for his nice walks either. Maybe.

It was our clean the refrigerator until it was all spic and span day.

Zita and Craig took the refrigerator all apart.

And put lots of way too old food in the garbage house. I was a big help.

I did not even eat one thing. Ha. Good for me. I just guarded everything.

And I chased an awful fly away. Ha. Good for me. I did not catch it. Oh well.

Now Emmet has a sore throat. And a sick tummy too.

He cannot have any treats today. Just his Irish tea. Oh dear.

Today is my very far away friend Mister Elliot's sing happy birthday day. Ha. Good for him.

It is nice to have happy birthdays.

You always get special presents on your sing happy birthday day. That is good.

I got a brand new big only for outside ball. Ha. Maybe Mister Elliott will get a nice ball too. Maybe.

We watched a very funny program on the television last night.

All about a family who ran all away from rain all the time England to a nice warm island. They found a very big house. But the bathroom is outside. Oh dear.

Their very big furry dog too came too. To guard them. Ha. That is a good program.

Craig and Zita took my friend Emmet's big interesting story to his nice university. So his professor could find it.

Because he is a bit sick. And Zita said he should just stay in his comfy bedroom.

Maybe we will watch another interesting program on the television tonight.

Then we can go all fast asleep. Ha.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Six

I had a very quiet day.

Zita and I went for a nice walk. And then we had our toasts.

Because I do not have a sick tummy anymore. Ha. Good for me.

Craig and Zita visited Craig's mother at the other hospital. 

And then they went to get secret presents for our cousins in way far away Ireland.

Because Zita is going to visit all her family in way far away. 

Not today. In a while. Zita told me. 

I will have to guard Craig and Emmet for a long time. All day. And even all the night time too. Ha.

I will be in charge. But they will not listen to me. Only sometimes. That is not right.

Craig took Emmet to his other university this afternoon. For a long time. I guarded Zita. 

It was very windy outside today. Our beautiful patio is all covered in fallen down leaves. 

We will have to get the scary noisy machine. To blow them all away. Ha. 

I will stay in the house. I will try not to be a too much barking dog.  

Then we went for our nice walk. To our bank. Up on the busy street. I got another giant treat today. 

Because I am such a polite dog. Ha. Good for me.

Before our tasty dinner Niamh called Emmet on the telephone. 

So she could buy a new tiny refrigerator for her little room. At the far away university. 

He gave her the secret numbers. Ha. They are Zita's secret numbers.

That is how you get the secret presents the present man brings to our house. 

You have to have the secret numbers. I do not know them. 

Because they are secret.

We did not watch the detectives last night. 

Because Zita went to visit doctor Susan. After our tasty dinner. 

So Craig and I watched the hockey game. On the television. In the comfy den. We lost. Oh well. 

Too bad for Craig.  

Maybe tonight. Maybe. 

Monday 17 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Five

My tummy was not sick today. Not even once. Ha. Good for me.

Maybe I will get treats today. Maybe.

Even green been treats. Ha. Good for me.

Today is our very early day. We do not have toasts and too much coffees on early days. Oh well. Too bad for me.

Craig drove Emmet to his other university. Emmet is still way sore. From playing the Irish hockey game. 

Craig said maybe he pulled something off. Oh dear. 

I pulled my leg off one time. I could not run or go for nice walks for a long long time. Oh dear. 

Maybe Emmet will not go for his nice walks either. Maybe. 

It was our clean the refrigerator until it was all spic and span day. 

Zita and Craig took the refrigerator all apart. 

And put lots of way too old food in the garbage house. I was a big help. 

I did not even eat one thing. Ha. Good for me. I just guarded everything. 

And I chased an awful fly away. Ha. Good for me. I did not catch it. Oh well. 

Now Emmet has a sore throat. And a sick tummy too. 

He cannot have any treats today. Just his Irish tea. Oh dear. 

Today is my very far away friend Mister Elliot's sing happy birthday day. Ha. Good for him. 

It is nice to have happy birthdays. 

You aways get special presents on your sing happy birthday day. That is good. 

I got a brand new big only for outside ball. Ha. Maybe Mister Elliott will get a nice ball too. Maybe. 

We watched a very funny program on the television last night. 

All about a family who ran all away from rain all the time England to a nice warm island. They found a very big house. But the bathroom is outside. Oh dear. 

Their very big furry dog too came too. To guard them. Ha. That is a good program. 

Craig and Zita took my friend Emmet's big interesting story to his nice university. So his professor could find it. 

Because he is a bit sick. And Zita said he should just stay in his comfy bedroom. 

Maybe we will watch another interesting program on the television tonight. 

Then we can go all fast asleep. Ha. 

Saturday 15 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Three

We had to get up early today.

We did not take Craig to his old friends breakfast restaurant today. Oh dear.

Zita and I had our nice walk early.

Because Zita and Emmet had to buy a save your head from the wooden sticks helmet. From a store.

Today Emmet had to play Irish hockey for his all about Ireland class. At his other university.

There is no lots of ice in Ireland. They have to play hockey outside. On the ground. 

They cannot use go fast skates. Ha. Too bad for them. 

They have flat fat sticks. You have to hit everybody with your stick. Then you can hit the little ball. Then you can hit everybody again. It is a silly game.

I did not go to the game. It was a not for dogs game. 

Emmet told me. When he was all safe at home. 

We have a way old Irish hockey stick. It is in Emmet's cosy room. 

But he did not bring it. It is too old. It is even older than me. He just left it here. That is good.

At the game Emmet even won a beautiful keep your ears all warm as can be hat. 

Because he got up every time he fell down. Ha. Good for him. 

Now he cannot walk up the basement stair so well. Because of his too tired legs. Ha. 

So he had a nice nap. With a keep you all comfy hot bottle. 

I did not eat my tasty breakfast this morning. Because everything was all not right. 

We did not take Craig to his old friends breakfast. And we did not have toasts. And Zita and Emmet went out too early. 

And I had to just stay here and guard the house. By myself. Too bad for me. 

I do not like it when things are not right. So I did not eat my tasty breakfast. Ha.

When everybody came back home Zita gave me a brand new green been treat. Ha. And Craig put lots of cheesie treat on my breakfast. 

So I ate it. But then it was my tasty lunch. Ha. Good for me. 

Then Craig and I had a tasty croissant. But it was not all toasty warm. Oh well 

We did not watch any detectives last night. 

Because Zita went to visit Kathy. To find a save your head helmet for Emmet. 

But it was too small. He has a very big head. Just like me. Ha. Good for us. 

Zita got a present. It was at Kathy's house. It was from Miss Tara. She brought it all the way from way far away Ireland. It was a bottle of whiskey from far away Dublin. 

Because Miss Tara visited Zita's mother and father. And bought Zita a nice not even secret present. 

Maybe Mister Richard will help Zita with the bottle. 

Uncle Bill used to help Zita with the whiskey but he is in Heaven. 

They have just for free whiskey stores in heaven. I know. 

When Uncle Bill went to live in Heaven I asked Mister Saint Newton. 

He told me they had a store all ready for our Uncle Bill. Just full of very old whiskey. Ha. That is good. 

Maybe we will watch the detectives tonight. Maybe. 

Then I can have a nice nap in the den. And guard everybody. 

Friday 14 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Two

Zita had a little sleep in today. All by herself.

Craig and I were all wide awake first. 

Craig even had his pretend coffee before Zita was all dressed. Ha. That is funny.

Then Craig and Zita had more too much coffee. And we had very fat crunchy toasts. Ha.

Then Mister Robert came over to look at all the boxes of for the television programs. In the basement. 

He put them in lots and lots of piles. 

So all the breakfast friends can find all the very interesting ones. Ha. That is good. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk. It is nearly cold outside today. Ha. That is good. 

Because I am a very furry dog. I do not like the way too hot so much.

I am going to the make you beautiful store soon. Zita told me.

I saw my friend Jamie yesterday. From my watching window. 

Jamie was already at the make you beautiful store. He is not so big now. Oh well.

Craig took Emmet to his nice university. To learn even more about all the old Russians. 

It is his favourite class. At his nice university. 

Zita came home after lunchtime. So had to talk to all the rascal ladies. Again. Oh well. 

I had a nap. On my comfy kitchen bed. 

Then Craig came home and Zita had to go downtown to the too small office. For another meeting.

Then Craig went to find Emmet at his nice university. 

It was a way too busy day. I had to guard the house al by myself. Lots of times. 

I got peanut butter treats. Two times.

Zita brought us home tasty pizza. From the famous too much cheese pizza store. Ha.

Because it was a very too busy to cook our own dinner day. 

I think we will watch some of Mister Tom's detectives on the television tonight. 

Or maybe Craig will watch the football game. Maybe.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty One

It is a not so nice day today. Just all full of windy rain. 

We went for only a short walk. We did not want to be all soggy. Ha. Good for us.

Craig drove Emmet to his other university today. Two times. I guarded Zita. By myself. 

She was very busy with the rascal ladies. Then she went to the nice food store. 

So everybody would not just starve to death. Ha. That is good.

Yesterday on my nice walk with my friend Lee a lady told me I was beautiful. Ha. 

I did not know her. She did not even know it was my sing happy birthday day. That was nice. 

Maybe it was a secret present. Just for me. Maybe. 

The new lady who lives in our old house puts tasty treats for dogs on her sidewalk. 

They are only for nice polite dogs. Like me. Ha. That is good. 

Craig's mother is still in the other hospital. Because of her sore leg. Oh dear. 

Last night when Craig and Zita came back from the other hospital it was very late. 

We did not watch the detectives on the television. 

Craig had his squeaky clean bath instead. Oh well. 

You do not have popcorn when you have to have your bath. Too bad for me. 

Craig's hockey team won tonight. Because it is hockey time again. Oh well.

Craig has to write a long story for our nice Queen. He has to drink too much coffee. So he can think all about it. 

Zita talked to my friend Niamh last night. On the telephone. That is nice. 

It is not way too windy at the far away university today. 

Niamh did just not fly all away with the too much wind. That is good. Niamh is not way too big. 

Zita drove Emmet to his other university. And Craig went and got him. So he would not get all lost. 

People just get lost all the time. Because of their way too small noses. Ha. Too bad for them. 

And they cannot even see so well at night. 

That is why they cannot see the wolves hiding in the bushes. 

That is why brave dogs have to take them for their nice walks. It is known. Ha. Good for us.