Saturday 6 April 2019

Day Two Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Seven 

When I was all awake this morning my friend Zita was still here. Ha. That is good.

I was very happy that she is all back home. 

I do not like it when my family is not all here in my house with me. 

How can I be the best guarding dog ever if they are not here for me to guard. 

And I cannot guard my friend Emmet when he is in far away Antigonish. Too bad for him.

But he will be home in our house soon. So he can sleep in his very comfy bed. 

When he is all finished reading his students brand new stories.

Then I can guard him too. Ha. Good for me. 

Craig did not go to his old friends breakfast restaurant today.

Because he was a bit all too sore. Oh dear. Too bad for him.

Then Zita talked to her mother in way far away Dublin this morning. It is not morning there. 

Because they just have the wrong time in Dublin. I do not know why. Oh well.

Zita and I saw a dragon on our nice walk. But we were not even scared at bit. Ha.

Because it was just fast asleep on top of the still too much snow. 

So it did not see us. That is good.

We did not wake it all up. Good for us.

Our cousin Ciara’s very fast bicycle found way far away Galway and did not get lost at all. 

And she did not fall off right into the dangerous ocean. With all the giant whales. That is good.

After lunchtime Zita was right inside our bathtub. Fixing something. But I could not help.

There was not enough room for me too. I am too big. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

Then we went for a very long walk. With Professor Jill and the little dog. 

It is not cold outside today. But it is still just very messy. Oh well.

When we got home Craig and Zita went for their own nice walk. 

But it was a just for them walk.

Because I had to stay here to mind the house. It is my best job. It is known.

Maybe we will have an altogether dinner tonight. Maybe. 

And we can watch new from far away detectives. 

On the television. With some chips too. Maybe.

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