Sunday 24 July 2022

Day Three Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Two

I was very busy last night.

Miss Emily came to visit me and Niamh.

And they stayed up talking for a very long time. Even after Craig was fast asleep.

And I had to mind them. Even when it was past my bedtime. 

And they were drinking a brand new bottle of wine and eating the very chocolaty happy birthday cake. Oh my. 

But I got some treats. Ha.

This morning Niamh brought her comfy duvet back upstairs so we could have a lovely good morning nap together. 

And when Craig got up I got cheese treats on my breakfast. Ha.

Then he went into the den to watch the little fast cars race and Niamh went back downstairs.

So I went into the den to mind Craig. That is an easy job.

It was only very hot today. That is good.

Yesterday it was way way too hot. So nobody was outside. 

So I did not have to look out my watching window so much. 

Because there was nobody there. 

Even my friends the ducks were hiding in the other pond. Under the giant trees. Ha. 

It way far away Ireland it got so hot Emmet had to take off his beard. 

So he would not melt.

And when Zita got there he did not even have his beard on at all. Oh goodness gracious. 

But Zita recognized him anyway. 

They do not have so many make you house nice and cool machines there. Too bad for them.

When Emmet was at his long meeting everybody stayed outside. 

Because it was way too hot inside.

And the meeting was not even so interesting at all. Oh my goodness me. That is not all right.

Today Zita and Auntie Eileen are in far away Kilmore. 

That is where Zita’s parents are. Beside the ocean.

They have been going there nearly for ever. 

My friend Cousin Orlaith got their picture and sent it to me. Ha. 

It was not so very hot there today.

Cousin Lucy and cousin Orlaith were there too.

So they can be a big help. That is a nice idea. 

I did not think it looked even a bit too hot there today.

It does not get so very hot there.

Because it is a very small place and the way too hot cannot find it. Ha. 

That is why Zita’s family always goes there to hide from the way too hot. 

And to watch all the fishing boats. And get ice cream from a little store. 

Watching those boats would be interesting. We do not have fishing boats here.

Because the giant ocean is too far away. 

Their giant ocean was full of lots of windy waves today. Oh dear.

But this afternoon they went swimming anyway. 

Even in all the waves. Oh my goodness. 

Even Zita and Auntie Eileen too.

At lunchtime Niamh came back upstairs to have some too much coffee.

And she had it outside in my side yard. 

So I went outside too to keep her company.

But we got too hot so we came back in.

And Niamh got back in her comfy duvet.

So we had a very nice relax in our living room.

But before dinnertime she went to the grocery store and got some delicious sausages.

Because we had sausages and toasts with eggs for our dinner. 

Niamh and I did not go for a little amble before dinnertime.

Because for a while there was lots of rain and I did not want to get all soggy. 

So I just had my first dinner and minded Craig.

And then all of a sudden Zita was on the other flat computer. 

And she was still in way far away. With Auntie Eileen too. 

And some of our lots of cousins. And her parents. Ha. 

They are all together staying in the same house. Oh my goodness me. 

We had an early tasty dinner so Niamh could visit Miss Sash and not go to bed too late. 

I got some very delicious sausage bits on my second dinner.

Then Niamh went to visit Miss Sash.

I stayed here to mind Craig. That was an easy job.

Because he just watched another football game on the television.  Oh well.

So I had a nap until it was my bedtime. 

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