Thursday 28 July 2022

Day Three Thousand six Hundred and Eighty Six

I was a bit busy this morning.

Because I had to take my friend Niamh on a little amble on my street even before she was fast awake. Ha.

Then we had our breakfast. And when we were finished Craig was all wake too.

Even before the very fast bicycle took Niamh to the lovely store.

Niamh cooked some delicious sausages for Craig’s dinner tonight.

Because tonight Niamh is having dinner with an old friend. 

And they have not seen each other for a very long time. 

Then after Niamh left it was a Craig and Poppy Day. 

When Craig had his first too much coffee we had a brand new pastry. 

And it was full up with tasty apples too. 

And when he had his next another coffee we had another pastry. 

Because they were not so very big pastries. 

But they were very tasty anyway.

Then it was time for my good morning nap. 

And I went to fast asleep underneath the go fast chair. Ha. 

Our cousin Emma has too much coffee in the mornings too.

Even fluffy coffees too. Ha.

And they have a store there where you can get tasty treats. With your coffee. 

It is just like our house. Except we are not so very far away. 

It is going to be hot outside today. So we closed all the curtains.

So the too hot would not know we were here. Ha. Good for us. 

Last night Zita and Auntie Eileen and lots of cousins went for an adventure walk.

All the cousins are my family too. 

Because they all have the same lots of curly hair as me.  Ha. Good for us. 

They all went to the big beach to look at the giant ocean. 

But they did not go swimming. That was a good idea.

Because sometimes there are whales there. 

And they might gobble someone all up by accident. Oh my goodness me.

That is why you should not go swimming at night when the whales cannot see you so well. 

Tonight Zita’s family had a big outside party. With lots of friends and lots of cousins too.

Because it is an anniversary. 

Zita’s mother and father have been going to that little village nearly for ever.

So everybody had a party.

And they had a cake. And it was not even a sing happy birthday day cake. My goodness me. 

It was an anniversary cake. Ha. 

But after the party Zita and Auntie Eileen went back to Auntie Eileen’s almost in Dublin house.

And they went in Auntie Eileen’s ladybird car with all the very beautiful colours. Ha.

Because tomorrow Zita has to go to the aeroport where she can find her do not get all lost aeroplane.

The one that knows where my house is.

Because Craig said that my friend Zita is going to be home tomorrow. Before our dinnertime. Ha. 

And she has to be at the way far away aeroport very very early in the morning.

Because of the wrong clocks. They should buy brand new clocks. 

Maybe we should get them one for Merry Christmas time. 

But tomorrow Niamh and Miss Tarryn and lots of their friends are going to some outside very loud concerts.

And it is in Montreal. Oh my goodness me. 

And she will be all gone before Zita gets home. Craig told me. Oh dear me. 

My family goes to too many places all the time. 

Except for my friend Craig. He stays here so I can guard him. 

My life would be too boring if Craig was not here for me to guard.

Because then I would only have to house to guard. 

When the rest of my family was somewhere else. It is known. 

And Craig always knows where to find then especially tasty treats. Ha. 

We had delicious egg rolls for our lunchtime. 

Because Niamh and her friends did not find them last night. Ha. Good for us. 

Then I went into our office to mind it. And to have my quiet afternoon nap. 

But after my first dinnertime there was thunder and a whole bunch of rain. 

But only for a little while.

I was not so scared because I got up on Niamh’s comfy duvet bed on the sofa. 

So I would be all safe.

But then I could not get down. And I got a little bit scared.

So I told my friend Craig. 

And just like that he brought my old steps from the bedroom. 

And then there was a good place for my feet. 

So I got back down. All by myself. 

Craig said I was very brave. 

Then Craig and I had a by ourselves dinnertime. 

And then he watched a football game and I had a nice nap in Zita and my office. 

Being very brave makes me a bit tired now days. Oh well.   

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