Friday 13 May 2022

Day Three Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty

I had a nice quiet day today.

Because it is another too hot day today.

Zita and I went for our good morning walk before the hot could catch us. Ha.

Then it was time for our rascal ladies work. 

Craig did not have even a little sleep in.

Because a nice nurse came to fix Craig’s bandage on his other foot. 

Then Niamh and her very fast bicycle went to visit her listening friend. 

And it was very hot outside. Oh my goodness.

Then Emmet and Miss Alice were all awake too.

Because today they went to the very beautiful pictures museum. 

The go fast car took them there. Because of the too hot. 

Miss Alice melts very quickly because she is from way far away Ireland. Oh dear me. 

Then Niamh was back home and she was nearly melted all away. Oh my goodness me.

So she went downstairs to her bedroom where it is nearly cold. Ha.

After I had my lunch I helped Craig eat his ginger snap cookies. They are very tasty cookies.

We looked out the window and I saw that our very big bushes have some of their all over flowers.

When they are covered in flowers they smell as beautiful as can be. Those are good bushes.

Craig told me that there is a real Princess right in my own neighbourhood. 

To say hello to everybody who wants to see all the beautiful tulips. And plant even more. 

Because her country gives them to us every year.

Because a long time ago some very nasty people stole her country. 

And it was lots and lots of our soldiers who went way over there to gave it back to her. 

Now every year her country gives us so many beautiful flowers to say thank you. That is very nice. 

But she did not come to my house. I do not know why. 

We have beautiful tulips too. Oh well. Too bad for her.

Then I went outside to my side yard to keep Niamh and Zita company. And to chew on my big blue ball. Ha.

But I got too hot again and had to come in the house. Too be all cool again.

Mister Paul came over for a little outside visit. But not for too long.

Because Craig got a bit too hot. So he came back inside. Oh dear.

Zita and Niamh went to the busy street to get wine and even some beers.

Because Lee and Cara and Mister Lyndon and Miss Bruna are going to visit us.

And have before dinnertime chips and beers with us. 

And maybe even some cheese.

Because everybody in the whole world like cheese. Especially me. 

Then Zita and Niamh went downtown to find Emmet and Miss Alice.

So they would not be all melted away. 

I stayed here so I could mind Craig in our cool house. And not get too hot. Ha.

We even had treats on our dining room table. Ha.

But when everybody came here they talked for a very very long time. 

So I had my dinnertime nap. 

But in the living room so I could mind everybody.

Then when everybody was gone Mister Tony’s friend brought us two very delicious big pizzas. 

We do not even have to tell Mister Tony where we live. 

Because he knows us already. That is nice. 

We did not watch the detectives tonight. Because we had a very late dinnertime.

And tomorrow Miss Alice is going back to way far away Ireland. On some aeroplanes.

All the way to Dublin and then find the very slow bus to Cork. That is a very long trip. 

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