Saturday 23 April 2022

Day Three Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Nine

We had a very busy day today.

Everybody got up early.

But we did not go for our good morning walk. 

Because today was Zita’s day to go to the make you beautiful store. 

And Niamh had to go to the lovely store. And Miss Tarryn is not there today. 

Because she is at home with a nasty cold. She has a runaway nose. Oh my goodness.

Niamh rode her brand new bicycle to her work today.

Because it was a very nice day. And it was nice all day. Not just sometimes. 

And today is Craig’s breakfast coffee with his old friends. 

When Zita went downtown I had my after breakfast nap in our office.

Because that is where the sunshine makes the floor toasty warm. 

But then I was all awake so I could help Craig eat his toasts and say good morning to his old friends too.

And when Zita got back home she was as beautiful as could be. 

Craig said all the ladies in our house are very beautiful. Me too. Ha. 

But then Zita remembered that it was our make the house spic and span day. Oh dear.

So Zita and Craig were very busy all afternoon. 

When Zita used the make the floor clean machine Craig made the tower for plants as shiny as could be.

With lots and lots of paper towels and some smelly stuff. So we left the back door open.

I went outside when it was too noisy inside my house. 

Sometimes I had a nice outside relax too. 

When the whole house was spic and span it was just the right time for our before dinnertime walk.

So we went and found Professor Jill and Mister Wiley. 

Mister Wiley is not so very big. But he is very furry too. 

But we took him back to Profesor Jill’s house. 

Because he has too short for long walks legs.

So we had our long walk with just us and Professor Jill. 

And then when we got home we made our dinner right away.

But Niamh went to Miss Linsey’s house to make a delicious for everyone. 

So we had a by ourselves dinner. 

Then it was our detective program relax time. Ha.

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