Saturday 19 March 2022

Day Three Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Three

It was our do not a go to work Saturday. 

But we got up early because Mister Vinnie came here very early.

And he filled up all the lines between the beautiful tiles. Ha. 

So we did not have an early morning walk so we could be here if Mister Vinnie had any questions for us.

But then he was all finished and was gone. 

Zita said he was a very fast worker because he had done beautiful floors a kabillion times before.

A kabillion is a lot of times. It is known. 

And then it was time for Zita to talk to her parents in way far away Ireland.

They are still in far away Dublin because that is where their as beautiful as can be garden is.

But our cousin Orlaith is not in Ireland today. 

Because she is in Scotland. And she sent me more pictures.

Because she is visiting castles. That is always a good idea.

There are lots and lots of castles in Scotland.

Because the English people kept stealing everything. Even their very furry cows. That was not so nice. 

So everybody had to have castles to hide all their cows from the English. 

That is why the Scottish cows have very sharp big horns.

So they can stick them in people who want to just steal them. Ha. That is a good idea.

After Zita took Niamh to her lovely store she went to Misters IKEA’s store.

To get some new lights for our even better bathroom.

I stayed here to mind Craig and to see all our Saturday breakfast friends on the computer. 

Then I had my morning nap.

Because I was up very early this morning minding Mister Vinnie. 

When Zita came home she had more lights for the downstairs and more wood for Mister Charlie. 

And then we went on our walk. 

Before it was all the time rain outside. 

But we could not find my favourite keep me dry coat. 

The one Zita got for me in Ireland where it rains all the time. 

So it is a very good keep you dry coat. 

But I was only just a bit soggy when we got home. 

But I had very dirty legs. Too bad for me. And I had to get in the bathtub.

So I would be squeaky clean. Even my dirty tummy too. Ha.

But I was very brave. And I had a drink right in the bathtub. Right from the tap. Ha.

Then I stayed in the kitchen until was all dry again. 

My Niamh is not coming home to her comfy bed tonight.

Because today is my friend Tarryn’s own sing happy birthday day. 

So all her friends are having a sleepover at Miss Linsey’s house. Niamh too. 

With presents and an all on fire cake too. Ha. And maybe even lots of wine. 

Because it is a birthday party. Now Tarryn is just as old as Niamh. Oh my. 

After my bath Zita went up to the tasty food store on the busy street.

To get some tasty dinners for us. 

Because it was only Craig and Zita and I for dinnertime tonight. 

They were in boxes and already made. We only had to put them in the oven. 

And they were very delicious chicken. And I got a little bit too. Ha.

Then we watched the detective program. 

Last night Craig’s hockey team won. We were surprised.

Maybe they will win again tonight. Maybe. 

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