Thursday 6 January 2022

Day Three Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Two

Zita and I got up early this morning.

Because it was a go to work day.

But after our breakfast I went back into our bedroom and went fast fast asleep.

But then Craig got up and it was very early too.

So I just stayed there and I had a very nice by myself sleep in. Ha.

But then I heard Craig making the toasts so I had to get up to help him. Ha. That is a easy job.

After Craig was all finished his next another coffee I went into our brand new more room for us rascal ladies office. 

So I could be Zita’s best helper.

Emmet and Niamh had sleep ins this morning. 

Sleep ins are very nice on not so nice outside days. It is known. 

We did not go for a before lunchtime walk.

Because there was lots of very very little blowing snow.

It was not the nice fat soft snow. It was the hard hurts your eyes snow. 

So Craig and I just watched it blow around. From inside our warm house. Ha.

But Zita and Emmet went for their own by themselves walks. I do not know why.

Craig and I did not go. Ha. Good for us. 

When Craig was making his peanut butter and cheese sandwich a very big piece of cheese fell right down in front of me.

I think it was my Merry Christmas present from my friend Mister Saint Newton. Ha. Good for us. 

When Zita came home she said it was only a bit nasty outside so we went for our afternoon walk. 

But I had to get all dressed up with my keep my back toes warm boots and my very red toasty warm coat.

So we could go for a very long walk and not just be all frozen up like giant ice cubes. Ha. 

We went all the way to our all empty lake. 

When we got home I had to stay in the kitchen until Craig made the used pizzas toasty. Ha. That was a good idea.

Niamh had some too. I got the crunchy pizza bits. 

Then it was time for my afternoon nap. 

It is good to have a nice nap when you are all full up with pizzas.

Zita did not need so much of my help this afternoon.

So I had my nap on my very comfy bedroom duvet. Right on top of Craig’s dirty shirts. 

Those shirts are very comfy pillows. It is known. 

Zita had to go to the other rascal ladies office this afternoon before dinnertime. To find important papers.

Tonight we had an all the used food in the refrigerator dinnertime.

But it was only Craig and Zita and Niamh and me at dinner.

Because Emmet was on computer televisions. 

With his friend who writes his interesting stories all about scary Vikings. Oh dear.

They were talking all about Vikings in long time ago Ireland. 

I did not know that Ireland had their very own Vikings. Oh well. 

But now everybody can ask Viking questions and Emmet and his friend Mister Adam can answer them. 

Right on everybody’s own computer. Ha. 

But my friend Niamh still has to be a bit quiet.

So she is just listening to stories on her telephone on her very comfy bed. 

So after dinner Craig and Zita and I watched our own detective program. 

Before we had to go to bed. 

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