Monday 24 January 2022

Day Three Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy

It was a Monday go back to work day for us.

So we did not have a sleep in at all. 

And it was way too cold for a nice walk. Again. 

It was way too cold all day too. 

So Zita and I had our together breakfast before we went to our office.

But then the very scary chop up all the snow machines came on my other street. 

And they put it right in lots and lots of very big noisy trucks.

It is good that Miss Bethany’s car ran away. Oh my goodness me.

I always fierce bark those noisy machines away from my house. 

I think maybe they would try to take my own house away because there is lots of snow on top.

So I bark at them. Very loudly. And then they leave my house alone. Ha. Good for me.

Niamh was all awake too. 

And she made us a very delicious cheese cake. Right in our kitchen.

I did not help today because I was too busy minding Zita.
In case those very nasty noisy machines came back. Ha. That is a good job for me. 

At lunchtime Zita and I went for our afternoon walk in the too cold. 

I had to wear my new without any holes boots. Oh well.

And my warm as could be red coat. Ha. 

Niamh says I am very stylish because of my very red coat. That is true. Ha. Good for me.

And now all the snow is all gone on my other street. Ha. 

So I can see everything when we walk on that street. We went to see our empty lake. 

And there were people sliding all over it. Even in the very cold. Too bad for them. 

When we came back we saw Craig. 

He was looking out my watching window for me. Ha. 

After Zita and I were finished with our rascal ladies work I saw my friend Emmet.

On Zita’s computer. Right on the dining room table. But he was still in way far away Ireland.

So we talked to him for a long time. And everybody laughed a lot. 

And Niamh told stories about silly people in her very interesting class. And everybody laughed at that too.

Then it was time for Emmet to go to fast asleep. 

Because of the wrong clocks in Ireland. Too bad for them. 

But it was only our dinnertime. So I helped Zita make our delicious tortellinis. 

I was a big help.

Then we did not watch a detective program. 

Maybe we will watch the program all about some animal doctors.

In way far away England. Ha. That is an interesting program. 

There are some cows in the program. Those cows are very big. 

And a bit fierce too. Oh my goodness. 

I do not think we have fierce cows here. 

Just fierce Mooses and the very fierce Musk Oxes. That is enough for us. 

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