Saturday 22 January 2022

Day Three Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Eight

When Zita and I got up this morning it was so cold  that I was afraid to go outside.

Because maybe my tail would just freeze like an ice cube and fall off. Oh my goodness me.

And I would not have my own waggly tail anymore. 

Then how would everybody know that I am a very happy dog. Oh dear me.

So I only went out for a very very little time.

Then I came right back inside to have my tasty breakfast.

And then Niamh and Tarryn were all awake too.

Because it was too cold for Tarryn to walk to her little apartment last night.

So I helped them get all awake before the go fast car took them to the lovely store. 

I stayed here to mind the house and Craig too.

But before I was finished watching all the slip sliding cars Craig was all dressed and wide awake. Ha.

Because today was his Saturday coffees with his old friends. 

So we had the very last molasses cookies for our breakfast. Ha.

Then Zita was back home and she brought us brand new fat croissants. 

So I helped Craig eat his while he was talking to his friends. On the flat computer. 

I had lots of breakfasts this morning. Ha. That was a good idea. 

But then Zita remembered it was the spic and span house day. 

So she found the noise make the floor clean machine.

Because sometimes the living room rug is a bit messy.

Because sometimes I am a bit messy when I have my living room rug naps. Oh dear me.

So then I hid. 

So no one would remember that. Oh dear me.

When everything was all beautiful and clean again it was my lunchtime.

But I had to remind Craig. Again. Oh well. 

Zita said that the service in my house is not what it used to be. Oh well. I got pretend cheese anyway. 

Today Zita found a turkey in the other refrigerator. Ha.

A she bought the wrong pumpkins for me. She got the just for very delicious pies pumpkins.

So we had turkeys and pumpkins pie tonight. And green beans.

Because you always have to have green beans if you have turkeys for dinner. It is the rule.

And green beans are my favourite too. 

So we had a pretend thanksgiving dinner tonight. Ha. That was a new idea.

Then we had to go for a walk. Even in the very very cold.

Because we had not gone for our nice walks for too long. Zita said so. Oh well. Too bad for me.

I had to get as warm as could be. 

But we did not freeze into icicles. But we did not stay outside for a long time. Good for us. 

And we found out that my keep my toes warm boots have holes in them. Oh dear.

But I have another box of toasty warm boots in my Poppy drawer.  Good for us.

But I only had to mind Craig and Zita for dinner.

Because Niamh went to Tarryn’s and Anna’s apartment for dinner.

I got turkeys and green beans tonight. Ha. Good for me. 

Then we watched another new detective program. 

Just us. In the den. On the television. Ha. 

I had a nice nap. 

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