Tuesday 7 December 2021

Day Three Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty

It was another get awake very early in the morning day today.

Because today is the day for the very important rascal ladies meeting today.

And everybody was there to talk all about lady rascals. 

And there were real lady rascals there too. Ha. 

And tonight is the get all dressed in your most beautiful clothes party. Oh my goodness me.

So everyone was all awake way too early.

And today is Niamh’s early in the morning class too.

So after the go fast car took Zita to downtown Niamh’s friend took her to their class in his little car.

Then there was just me and Craig here.

So we had a very early together breakfast with round toasts. 

But not the all full of holes toasts. 

We had different round toasts today. But we still had jam on top. Good for us.

And after I had my breakfast I had my morning nap.

Because I was up very early this morning. 

Craig just stayed in the living room so he could look out my watching window for me. Ha. 

And some men came with two trucks. And a giant hammer and an axe too. 

To look underneath my corner. Oh my goodness me.

Craig said he thought they lost something. 

Because they looked in other holes too. But he did not know why.

I did not know either because I was fast asleep. Ha. Good for me. 

When I woke up it was just the right time for my lunch.

And then Craig had a peanut butter and honey sandwich. 

But today it was an all toasty peanut butter and honey sandwich. Ha. That was a tasty idea.

After lunchtime Craig watched a scary movie. So I had another nice kitchen nap. 

Niamh and Miss Tarryn came home from their nice university before dinnertime.

But they did not stay here.

Because they had to go to see their university friends to play the questions game. 

And have a tasty dinner too.

But I could not go too. And I asked them lots of times. And I asked very loudly.

But Niamh said that even nice dogs like me cannot go to that pub. 

That is not such a good restaurant. Too bad for me. 

So I had to stay here with Craig. 

He decided to have a nice person bring us some very delicious from China egg rolls. Just for us.

Because Zita is at the big party and not here with us. 

So she cannot have delicious egg rolls with us. Too bad for her. 

There is another hockey game on the television tonight. 

That is why we are having the from China treats.

Because you have to have tasty treats or your team cannot win. It is our rule.

Craig’s team even won last night. Ha. He was surprised too. 

After our treats I will have a nice nap. Ha. 

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