Friday 24 December 2021

Day Three Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Nine

We all got up very early today.

Because this is a very very busy day.

Because tomorrow is the Merry Christmas Day. Ha.

So when Emmet and Niamh were wrapping their secret presents Zita went to our delicious meat store. 

And she came back with a giant ham. For our second Merry Christmas dinner. 

I was up very early too.

And Craig only had a little sleep in. 

And after breakfast Zita made the famous very delicious special dessert for tonight.

Because today we have our nearly Merry Christmas Day party.

But this year it is a very very small party. 

Only a few of Niamh’s lady friends will be here. 

Because nobody wants anybody to get all too very sick.

But we are going to have lots of very very tasty cheeses anyway.

I saw them in the refrigerator. Ha.

It was a bit very cold outside this morning. 

So when I looked outside I nearly got a frozen up nose. Oh my goodness me.

When Craig and I were looking out my watching window we saw lots of people.

And they had hockey sticks.

Because they were going to play hockey. 

Right on our other all frozen up pond. Ha.

Last night Niamh’s friends made very beautiful very little Merry Christmas time houses.

I helped. Until lots of little things fell on the floor. 

And then Niamh had to find the noisy make the floor empty machine. 

So I went into the big bedroom and went to fast asleep. Ha.

This morning everybody talked to Nana and Grandad in way far away Dublin. 

To say have a Merry Christmas time and with all the cousins too. 

Then I minded Niamh when she was painting a beautiful picture. Maybe it was a present. Maybe 

I had my breakfast so early I nearly all starved away when it was lunchtime. 

So Craig had to give me even some extra lunch. Ha. 

After lunchtime Zita went up the street to visit Craig’s mother. 

And bring her some very tasty chocolates too. 

But she did not remember it was Merry Christmas time. Oh dear me. That is not so good. 

When Zita was visiting I took my friend Niamh for a nice all over walk. 

Until we got too cold. 

Then we came home to get toasty warm again. 

So then it was time for my afternoon nap. 

But just like that I had to be fast awake.

Because we nearly forgot to put up all the stockings for Mister Saint Santa to fill all up. 

Oh my goodness me. 

So we put them up right away. 

Even all the little ones for our all stuffed animals friends. Ha. 

Even for the two very nice dragons too. They do not eat people. 

They only gobble up nasty pirates. Craig told me so. Ha.

It is Merry Christmas for them too.That is good. 

And we nearly forget to put back our very beautiful outside decorations too.

So Zita found them and I watched from my watching window.

To make sure they were safe.

I had a very busy day today. 

Before dinnertime Zita made molasses cookies. Just for Craig and me. Ha.

That is why Merry Christmas time is my favourite. There are tasty treats everywhere. Ha. 

Craig said that all the secret presents are wrapped. Except for the giant one in the den. 

Because it is way too big to wrap. Oh dear. I do not like that.

Secret presents should be all secret underneath the beautiful wrapping. Oh dear me. 

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