Friday 28 May 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty

Last night I had tortellinis on my own dinner as a tasty treat. Emmet made them. Ha.

We did not get up so very early this morning. 

But Zita and I had a very nice quiet all over walk anyway. 

It was not even a little bit warm. Oh goodness me.

 Zita had her fuzzy warm jacket on. 

When we got back home Niamh was all awake so she could take her fast bicycle downtown to her own work. 

Even in the just a bit cold. 

When Niamh left Zita went to the very fresh vegetables store. The one downtown. 

I stayed here to mind Craig and Emmet and look out my watching window. 

When Zita came home she had lots of very tasty food and she even found some brand new croissants. Ha.

So when Craig was all awake we had two of them for our lunchtime. Ha. 

Croissants are my favourite because my long time ago family was French. Ha. Good for me. 

Emmet was all awake before Craig so he could write even more of his giant story. For his way far away in Ireland university. 

I helped him make his Irish tea. Emmet always has tea for his breakfast. Ha.

That is why we always have to buy the giant boxes of tea when Emmet is back home in our house. My goodness.

Yesterday Niamh and Miss Tarryn and Lee got the giant root from the not so nice bush right out of the ground. 

And then they put it right on our patio so my friend Craig could see it. Ha.

Then Niamh filled the huge hole all up with dirt so nobody would fall into it. 

Oh well. Maybe that bunny rabbit would have fallen into it. Ha. 

Mister Tom found his own very fast from Italy motorcycle and the other not so fast one too. In his garage. Ha.

So now he is all ready for the summertime. Ha. 

This afternoon Craig and I looked out my watching window. 

And he ate all his peanuts candy. Ha. 

He got it for his birthday. Oh dear. 

Maybe he will have a sick tummy. Too bad for him. 

Before dinnertime Zita used the noisy blow everything everywhere machine to make my side yard neat and tidy.

She was all finished before Niamh came home. 

So her old very fast bicycle was not scared by the noisy machine. That was good.

Then she went to Miss Tarryn’s little apartment to get lots of things she forgot there.

Then Craig and Zita and Emmet and Niamh and Miss Tarryn and I had cooked outside hamburgers. Ha. Good for us.

Then it was too late to watch the detectives. Ha. 

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