Friday 7 May 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred and Nine

Today is Zita’s sing happy birthday day. 

I almost forgot. But this morning Niamh told me. Ha.

She slept upstairs in the den last night. 

Because of the do not be too close to Emmet rules. Oh dear me.

So I got her all awake this morning. 

I got right up on the very comfy sofa and kissed her until she was fast awake. Good for me.

So she was not fast asleep when it was time to go downtown to her beautiful clothes store. Ha. 

My friend Emmet was awake way way early this morning. I heard him. 

And it was still very dark outside.

Because he had to have a very early in the morning meeting with his professor. On his very old and not so fast computer.  

And the professor still has only the wrong time clocks. Oh dear.

Yesterday Miss Morgan and Mister Mike brought Emmet’s own birthday present right to our side door. 

Because Emmet was still in way far away Cork when it was time for his happy birthday presents. Oh dear. 

But I was all worried about Zita’s presents. 

Because Craig cannot go and get Zita a wonderful Sing Happy Birthday present. 

Because he still has to stay in in bed. Oh dear.

And my friend Emmet has to stay in the basement. Because of the do not get sick rules. 

So he cannot go and get a beautiful present either. Oh dear me. 

And I could not go because I do not have any pockets to keep my money safe. 

And I do not even have so much money. Too bad for me.

But my friend Niamh told me she would find some very wonderful presents for Zita.  From all of us. Me too. 

And my friend Craig will give Niamh some lots of money. 

You can still give people money even when you are all the time in bed. Ha. That is a good idea. 

Craig had a little sleep in this morning.

Because he was too sore to go to sleep right away last night. Oh my goodness. That is not all right.

So when he was all awake I got up on the bed to help him eat his good morning muffin. Ha. Good for me. 

And I had a little sleep in beside him too. 

Then I helped Zita in the rascal ladies office. Until lunchtime. Then we went for a walk in just a bit of rain.

I was not even very soggy when we got home. That was good. 

Then Craig and I had very nice good afternoon naps. Good for us.

When I woke up Zita went downtown to get Niamh and brought her home.

And when she got home she had lots and lots of wonderful secret presents for my friend Zita’s sing happy birthday day party.

She found them right in her own beautiful clothes store. 

And she put them right in the bedroom. 

That was a good idea. 

And mister Tony’s friend brought us very very tasty pizzas for our altogether birthday party.

But it was only us and downstairs Emmet at the birthday party.

Because of the rules. Oh well. 

Doctor Susan brought Zita beautiful flowers and Niamh made them all beautiful in lovely bottles. Ha.

Because she used to work in the beautiful flowers store. Up on our busy street. Ha. Good for her. 

We had an all on fire all over sing happy birthday cake. 

We got it from the nice food store up on the busy street. We always get tasty cakes there. 

And we had enough candles because Zita is not so very old. Ha. Good for us. 

And I helped everybody sing the happy birthday song. Good for me. 

Then I had a big fight with Niamh. And she hit me with my own pillow. Ha. 

But I won anyway. 

Then we opened all the secret presents. I helped. Opening presents is my favourite job. 

And I got Zita a very beautiful bag for our walks. 

From the beautiful clothes store. Ha. Good for me. 

We can put lots of treats in it. In case we get very lost at dinnertime. Ha. 

And my friend Emmet watched everything right from the basement.

We brought his pizzas downstairs to his bedroom. And his delicious cake too. Ha. 

We had a very good party.

But then everybody was tired. And Emmet has to get up very early again. 

So he can go to a far away in England meeting. 

Right in the very very old university where he told everybody his interesting story. Ha.

He has to ask his friend some important questions. So he has to be fast awake. Oh dear. 

So we went to bed. That was a good idea. 

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