Thursday 27 May 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty Nine

I had a very early morning today.

I was all awake before anyone else. Ha.

So Zita got up to keep me company. And then we went for our before breakfast walk. All by ourselves.

Because it was too early for everybody else. Ha. 

Then I had a very quiet day. 

Because the go fast car took Zita and Niamh to the not so far away just for beautiful flowers and bushes store. 

And Emmet had to go to see our nice dentist. Up on the busy street.

So I only had to mind Craig. And he was fast asleep. Ha.

Zita and Niamh looked for beautiful flowers until way past our own lunchtime. 

Niamh had to draw pictures so they would know where all the beautiful flowers were going to live. 

When Emmet got home he stayed upstairs with me.

So he could write his story in the very comfy leather chair. And help me with my watching window. 

And Craig just listened to his interesting book. Underneath his fat duvet. Ha. 

So I had a very quiet day. 

When Zita and Niamh came home the go fast car was full of brand new bushes and beautiful flowers too.

And then it was time for Craig to get in the not so good wheelchair and help me look out my watching window. Ha.

Miss Lee and Miss Tarryn came over to help take away the almost all dead bush. 

So we can put a brand new one there instead. 

But it is a lot of work. Because you have to dig a very deep hole. Oh my goodness. 

They even had axes. Oh my goodness. 

I am a very good digger too. 

The hole was so deep Craig thought maybe we they would find pirate treasure. 

From when there were pirates in our pond. Oh dear me. I did not know that. 

That is why Craig made Emmet’s very big canon. Oh my goodness.

But there was not even a bit of treasure. Oh well. Maybe next time. 

Just a big rock. 

I could not dig for the treasure because I had to stay inside to guard Craig and Emmet. 

So Craig gave me cheese treats. 

There are new very beautiful fuzzy flowers in our side garden too. Ha.

Then Emmet went for his good afternoon walk. 

But he had to come back to find his cosy warm jacket.

Because it is not a bit warm today. Oh my goodness.

We had our together dinner in our big bedroom tonight. 

Because you cannot stay in the broken legs wheelchair for a nice long time. 

Because it is not even a bit comfy. 

So Craig went back to bed when he was too sore. Oh dear me. 

And my friend Emmet even made the dinner himself. So we had pastas.

Because Emmet knows how to make pastas. That is good.

Then everybody talked until they used all their words all up. And it was my bed time. Ha. 

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