Sunday 2 May 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred and Four

Zita and I only had a very little sleep in this morning. 

Then we went on a very nice all over walk. Even up to the busy street. 

Last night Zita and I went on a very long walk. On all the different streets. 

Because there were no people on these streets. That was a good idea. 

This morning my friend Emmet is on his other do not get lost aeroplane. 

Way up in the sky. Right over the giant full of whales ocean. Oh dear me.

Emmet sent me lots of pictures this morning.

So I would know that his aeroplanes did not get even a little bit lost. Ha. That was a good idea.

But all the aeroports in far away Dublin and even London were as empty as could be. Oh my goodness.

And all the restaurants were not even open.

So he had to get his breakfast porridge from a machine. In the aeroport in London.  Oh dear me. 

That is not such a very tasty breakfast. 

When he gets home Zita will get him Mister Kettleman’s delicious bagels. They are Emmet’s favourite. 

But he cannot come home today.

Because he has to stay in the lovely at the aeroport hotel for a little while. 

Because of the do not get sick rules. Too bad for us. 

It takes a very long time to come home from was far away. Oh dear. 

I would not like to be that far away from my own house. And my comfy pillow. 

Emmet was still in the fast aeroplane at our lunchtime. 

And still right over the giant ocean. Oh dear me. Oh dear me.

I did not eat my breakfast until lunchtime. 

When Niamh was all awake she found me some tasty treats to put right on top. Ha. 

Then Niamh and I listened to loud music in the living room. Ha. That was a good time. 

Zita put on the just for the summer windows for Emmet. 

And she made the big bedroom spic and span we could have the big tables back at the end of the bed.

Because when Craig’s legs are not so all broken he can practice not being in bed all the time. Ha. That is a good idea.

Then he can help me look out my watching window. 

And maybe even have our together toasts again. Ha. Then everything will be all right. It is known. 

Niamh and her very fast bicycle went for a ride. Maybe to find some treats. Ice cream treats are Niamh’s favourite. 

It was a very lovely afternoon for riding her fast bicycle. 

And it was not even a bit too cold. That is good.

It was a bit very cold this morning when we went for our good morning walk. Oh well. 

Emmet’s aeroplane did not get lost even one time. He sent me a picture inside.

I do not think there were so many people on that aeroplane. That is good. \

So now he is in very nice hotel. And he can get a nice dinner. Right in the big comfy room. Ha.

And now he can go to fast asleep until tomorrow. Ha. 

A man brought us very very tasty from far away food for our dinner. 

So I could not help make our dinner tonight. 

But Zita said I would get delicious treats anyway. Ha. Good for me.

Now my whole family is nearly all home again. 

That makes me a very happy Miss Poppy. Ha. Good for us. 

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