Sunday 23 May 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty Five

We got up early this morning so we could go on our good morning to Sunday walk.

But as soon as Zita opened the door it was fast raining. Oh dear. 

And we did not want to be soggy.

So we just had a nice rest. And looked out the window instead.

Last night Niamh and Miss Tarryn asked everybody in the world what movie they should watch. I do not know why.

So everybody told them to watch the movie with the brave friends and and the dangerous orcs.. Ha. That is a scary movie. Oh dear. 

Then it was time for Emmet’s do not get sick and die shot. Ha.

So Zita and the black car took him to the downtown and he got shot. Ha.

Now everybody in may family is all shot. Ha. Good for us. 

When Zita and Emmet got home Craig was all awake. That was god.

When Zita was waiting for Emmet she found very delicious Scotsman’s scones. 

And they were made by a Witch. Oh dear me. 

And she bought some for our breakfast with my friend Craig. Ha.

And when we were all finished Zita and I went for out lunchtime walk. 

Because it was not raining at all. 

And it was not even so very hot outside. Ha.

I was very excited and I told everybody. Good for me. 

And when we got home Craig got out of bed. Oh my goodness me. I was very excited. 

And he got into the stick straight out chair. Ha. That was a good idea.

And he came into the living room and I talked to him. 

And then I helped him look right out our watching window at our lovely pond. 

My friends the ducks were there too. Ha. 

I was very very excited and I gave him lots of kisses. Even his toes. Ha good for us.

Niamh and Emmet and Miss Tarryn were there and they were very happy too. 

So we had a little party and we had lots of the little from China roll ups. 

But then Emmet had to go downstairs to have a long rest. Because of his shot. Oh dear.

And Niamh and Miss Tarryn had to watch another of those movies. 

Then Craig and Zita and I looked out the window together. 

And we had another delicious Witch’s Scotsman’s scone. With jam right on top. 

Then Craig was very tired too so he went back to the big comfy bed for a nap.

So I had a nice nap too. Ha. Good for us. 

We were very happy to get Craig out of bed. Good for us. 

We only had a little altogether dinner tonight.

Because of all the treats and the tasty scones.

So everybody had cooked outside hotdogs and hamburgers. Me too.

Then Emmet went to fast asleep downstairs. So Niamh and Miss Tarryn listened to their movie very quietly. 

And Craig and Zita and I watched the detective program. 

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