Wednesday 28 April 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred

Zita and I went for our nice good morning walk. It was a long time walk. But not a go far walk. 

Because we saw lots of people. Just all walking around. And they wanted to see me. Ha. 

When we got home Craig was all wide awake. So we got all his fat pillows ready so he can sit up for his breakfast. 

We had the round toasts from England. With raspberries jam.

Then I went outside for a nice nap.

But there were awful squirrels in my bushes. 

So I could not have such a nice nap. Too bad for me.

Then it started to be a rainy day. So I stayed inside. I did not want to be all soggy. Ha.

Then Zita drove Niamh downtown to her beautiful clothes store.

And on her way home Zita went to the makes only good for you tasty treats store. 

And she found some lovely good for you muffins. 

And a giant very delicious Scotsman’s scone. I do not know if it was a good for you scone. Oh well.

Zita was very busy this morning making the den all neat and tidy again.

Because we had to move everything all over our house. 

So the nice ambulance people could get Craig to their ambulance. So everything was not where it should be. 

Oh dear me. I do not like that so very much.

But now the den is all neat and tidy again and we have some fat bags of things to give to the just for free store. 

Zita was very busy today. She had to talk to the hotel people in Toronto. 

Where Emmet is going to stay for a very little while.

Before he comes back home. Because of the new do not get sick rules. 

Because they took Zita’s money two times. Not just one time. Oh my goodness.

But they knew that and promised that Emmet can even have just all the food he wants. 

Maybe just lots of cheese and delicious hamburgers. And his icy tea. Ha. 

 And they will bring his food right to his own room. Ha. That is a good idea. 

And before lunch Zita went downstairs to take all the extra everything’s out of my friend Emmet’s comfy bedroom. 

So there will be enough room for Emmet too. When he comes back to his own bedroom. Ha.

Then it was lunchtime so Craig and I had the Scotsman’s scone for our lunch. Ha. It was a very tasty fat scone. 

Then when Craig had his afternoon nap Zita went to mister IKEA’s store to get Emmet’s brand new pillows.

I stayed right here so I could mind Craig. 

Right on my very own very comfy pillow. And my own clean as can be duvet. 

Then Zita went downtown to get my friend Niamh. 

So we could have our delicious together dinner. Ha. That was a good idea. 

We are going to have lots of our delicious used food for our dinner. Ha.

Maybe some more wonderful only for shepherds pie. 


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