Monday 11 January 2016

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Six

I had a very busy day.

Zita and I got up early. To take Niamh to her special dance a lot practice. 

But she could not go. Niamh had a sick tummy and sore eyes. Oh dear. I took care of her. All day.

Zita says I am the best nurse dog ever. That is true.

Then Zita could not open the gold big car's doors. Or Craig's silver little car either. They were just all full of ice. Because it is all cold again. Oh dear.

Zita got a special bottle from Craig's big lots of drawers box. She put it all over the doors. And they opened all up. Ha. 

But not Craig's door. He could not get in his little car. Oh dear. That is not right.

He had to get another different bottle. And then it opened. After a while. 

Zita drove Emmet to his nice university. Not Craig. Because the gold big car was all toasty warm. That is good.

The silver little car was still getting all better. Cars to not like the way too cold so much. 

When Craig goes to the giant office the silver little cars gets to sit in the very warm basement until all the snow is all melted away. That is good.

Zita had to go downtown to the way too small rascal ladies office. Even before her nice lunch. Oh dear

I stayed here to guard Craig. And to keep my friend Niamh's feet all nice and warm. 

She had to write more of her story. When she got out of her bed. 

It is easy to get all better if your feet are not all frosty cold. It is known. 

Craig was reading for the nice Queen again. In the den. With his too much coffee.

Craig is selling some make music boxes. For real money. Ha. They are not very beautiful. Ha. That is good. 

Zita brought them up from the all full of big big shelves all filled up to very the top room. In the basement. 

I do not go in that room. The shelves are too too full. They will all fall over and squish me. 

Emmet said dragons live there. That is not true. Dragons live in Wales. With Professor Alex. It is known. Ha. Too bad for Emmet. 

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