Saturday 23 January 2016

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Eight

It was a way too cold morning today. Too cold for our nice walk.

Craig did not go to the old friend's breakfast. Because of the too cold. So he had a long sleep in instead. Ha.

We did not play catch the ball until late. Too bad for me.

Miss Rowan did not go home last night. Her house is way far away. She and Niamh had a big sleep in too.

My friend Emmet want to the for your eyes store. After lunch. He can not get any glasses. His eyes are all perfect. Oh well. Too bad for him.  

I do not need glasses. Either. Just Emmet and Me. With no glasses. Oh well.

Niamh and Rowan took me for a nice walk after lunch. It was not so cold after lunch. But my leg was a bit sore when I got home to my comfy house. Oh well. 

Craig and Zita are going out to the famous pizza restaurant tonight. Because Auntie Jane and uncle George are visiting. 

I am going to guard the house. Maybe Emmet and Niamh will be here. Maybe not. I do not know. It is hard being a dog in this house. It is known.

Niamh is very busy. She has a remember everything exam. So she has to write all the answers on little pieces of paper. And say them over again. So she can remember them. 

Zita and professor Jill went to talk to Mister God this afternoon. Jamie and I did not go. I had to guard Craig and my friend Emmet. It is my job.

Craig give me cheese treats for being a big help. 

Now he is looking for a nasty man. Maybe he killed someone. In way far away England. Long long ago. He lives beside a big castle. It is where he works.  

Then some more nasty men hit him with sticks. But his giant horse bit them. And they ran away. 

His horse is very old and does not go off to battles anymore. But he is still very brave. He just guards the man. And rests in his own house in the castle.

The man does not have a nice dog to help him. Just his old horse. Oh well.

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