Wednesday 27 January 2016

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Two

We had a busy day.

Niamh had to go to her school way early this morning. Because of the remember everything exam.

And Miss Lilly too. Zita drove them.

When she came home we had our coffees and toasts. 

Then doctor Susan came over. Because she slipped on the slippy sidewalks. Right on her bottom. And hurt her arm. Oh dear. 

We gave her a bag of cold ice. To make her feel all better. Good for us.

I helped Zita move our gold big car. Lots of times. Good for me. 

Then Craig had to drive Emmet to the not so far away cow farm. For his nice university. 

They went to see all the nice animals. The cows and the sheep and the very fat pigs. Even the giant horses. 

I saw the giant horses right on my street one day. They had a big wagon. All full up with people. Looking at our pond. Ha.

Emmet went there for his class all about they way old people and animals. 

Some people never saw an all still alive real animal. They just saw them on the television. 

On television big animals are very small. And they do not smell at all. On the television. That is silly. 

Craig waited for him. 

Zita was way busy with the rascal ladies and the far away computers. She had to talk to everybody. Twice. Oh dear. I helped. 

We were too way too busy for our nice walk until after lunchtime.

Craig and I had two peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. 

Then Zita and I went for our walk. We were very careful. It is very way too slippy outside. 

We will only have one nice walk today. Because it is too slippy outside.

And we might fall on our bottoms. Like doctor Susan. Too bad for her. 

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