Tuesday 5 January 2016

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Nine

It is still way too cold outside. Even with my keep me all warm coat. Too bad for me.

Zita and I had a nice short walk. Then we came back to our cosy warm house. I had cold feet. 

Craig and I did not play throw the ball today. Because of the way too cold. Too bad for me.

Emmet was way busy today. He had a meeting with a nice professor all about his next nice university. 

Where he can learn even more all about the way old Gods. And all their friends. And talk to them in way old Latin. That is nice.

Then Professor Jill came over to talk to Emmet. All about how to write his long stories short. To make more beautiful stories. They had lots of tea. That is nice.

All the nice people at our big just for our neighbourhood building want my friend Niamh to come and work for them. She used to work there. Emmet too. 

That is nice. Everybody wants my friend Niamh to work for them. She will only work with nice people. It is known. 

Craig was writing and writing for the nice Queen. All morning. Even at lunchtime. Oh dear. 

We had tasty bagels with hot cheese. Zita made them for us. Craig can only make peanut butter sandwiches. Ha. Too bad for us.

Last night Zita's sad movie was sad. It was about a lady who moved from way far away Ireland across the giant ocean. Just like she did. 

The lady was sad. Because she was not at home. Then she got nice friends and was all happy. Just like Zita. 

Zita did not have a way nice dog like me in way far away Ireland. Now she does. 

It is me. Ha. Good for us. It is known.

We went for a little nice walk. Before our dinner. I got ice in my feet. That is not nice. Oh well.

We are having pasta for our dinner. Niamh and Emmet love pasta. But Emmet only likes cheese on his pasta. Nothing else. 

We got new programs to watch on the television. From our friend nice Mister Tom. That is good. Even new detectives. Ha. Good for us. And Mister Tom 

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