Saturday 30 January 2016

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Five

We did not have a sleep in today. Oh well.

Craig went to his old friends breakfast today. In the silver little car. Because of the windy snow. 

You cannot use the go fast chair in the windy snow. It will just get all stuck. 

So I helped move Zita's car. Twice. Ha. Good for me.

Then I had a nice nap. 

Zita talked to our cousin Orlaith. For a long time. In way far away. At her nice university beside the giant ocean.

Her university is very cold inside. Sometimes it is not so warm in Ireland. 

Niamh is still away. She did not sleep in her own cosy bed last night. She still had to sleep at the not for so very much money old hotel. 

She is going to come home tonight. On the very big bus. Zita told me. That is good. It is too all quiet when Niamh is not here. 

Zita and Doctor Susan went shopping after lunch. To find Zita brand new nice clothes for the rascal ladies job. 

Zita is going on an aeroplane. To see some of the far away rascal ladies. And talk. And drink lots of coffee. 

She will not sleep in her own cosy bed. Oh dear. She will have to sleep in a big hotel. Without me. Oh dear. That is not right. 

Doctor Susan did not hurt her self when she fell down on the slippy ice. That is good.

My friend Mister Elliot has to go to his nice Doctor to get his leg all fixed. Oh dear. 

Mister Elliot lives way far away. Where the giant mountains live. I see pictures of him. That is good. 

He is a nice dog. He and his friend Miss Gracie gave me a present. My very own kitchen comfy blanket. Ha. 

We are going to have tasty pizza tonight. That is good. I always get little crunchy pizza bits. Good for me.

Craig is still fighting the scary Vikings. But he has an old castle. The Vikings can not get in. Too bad for them. 

We watched the nice program about all the people in the giant house. On the television last night. 

They have a nice dog. It is called just like one of Emmet's way old Gods. That is nice. 

Emmet is writing an all new story all about some animals. And people. A long time ago. Even dogs. Ha. That is good. 

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