Friday 22 January 2016

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Seven

I got my tasty breakfast early today. Because I was too hungry. 

We had our toasts with Craig. Then I went for a nice walk with Zita. 

It is not way too cold today. But I got all soggy. I do not like to be all soggy. I have to stay in the kitchen when I am all soggy. 

Ollie is visiting Mister Bill's house. Where Maggie the dog lives. Ollie is a very big dog. And very fierce. 

Maggie is old. Like Craig. Her legs are a bit too sore. She can not chase the squirrels away anymore. Oh dear. That is not right. 

Maggie hates squirrels. Even more than I do. Oh dear. 

Now Ollie goes everywhere where with Maggie. All the time. To guard her. 

Because she is now very old. That is nice. He is a very fierce dog. And bigger than even me. 

So Maggie will be all safe. His eyes are different colours. I do not know why. 

Sometimes my leg is sore too. Not all the time. Just some time. Just like Craig's not so very good shoulder.  Ha. Good for us. 

Zita is going out to dinner tonight. With her lady friends. 

She did not go last night. Because it was the wrong night. Ha. Too bad for her.

Emmet is very busy studying. For his university. He does not go there today. Just all the other days. 

Niamh is going to talk to another university. On the telephone. Because her computer can not understand their computers. That is silly.

Lots of Niamh's dance a lot friends came to our house. After school. To visit me. 

We went for a nice walk before it went all dark. That is when the wolves hide in the bushes. And jump out and try to eat you all up. 

It is better to go for your nice walk when it is all sunshiney outside. 

Then they all went to the make yourself all tired and smelly store. I do not know why. Oh well.

Zita went to the way too small office after lunch. 

I got in trouble. This afternoon. Too much barking. At the litte snow machines. Oh well. 

Tonight Craig and Emmet are going to eat all by themselves. Zita and Niamh are going out to have delicious dinners with their friends. 

Craig and Emmet are going to have own made hamburgers. With cheese on top. I will guard them. Maybe there will be extra cheese. Maybe. 

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