Saturday 2 January 2016

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Six

We had a very quiet day.

Craig and Zita had to find all the same socks. In two giant boxes. I helped. 

It was not a very fun game. I had to wait for ever to play catch the ball. Too bad for me.

Then we had toasts. Only one toasts today. Too bad for me.

This afternoon Niamh and Zita had to look at all the universities. On the computer. To see if they are nice universities. 

Like Emmet's nice university. But not here.

That took a long long time. I had a nice nap. On my comfy in the kitchen bed. 

We are going to get Chinese tasty food tonight. Zita and Niamh will go to the way way little restaurant.

Where they make the tasty food. It is not so far away. It is not all downtown. 

They will put all the food in big big bags. And bring it home for us. Not for me. Oh well. 

Sometimes tasty Chinese food falls on the floor. Ha. Good for me. Maybe.

This afternoon Zita and Professor Jill went to talk to Mister God. At our big church. 

I do not have to out go to talk to Mister God. Because I am a dog. I just talk to Mister Saint Newton. And Mister God knows. It is known. 

Jame and I did not go to our big church. We had to guard our houses. It is our job. 

I have lots of jobs. I get the big bed all comfy warm for Craig and Zita. In the winter. It is a good job. It is not so hard. 

And everyday I have to watch out the watching window. To guard our house. And my family. 

Sometimes they are not here for me to guard. They do not listen to me so much. I do not like that. Too bad for me. 

Sometimes if someone is a bit sick I am the very best nurse. I stay right on the bed with them and that makes them all better. Ha. Good for me.

Guarding all our beautiful vegetables in our own garden is my job. It is a way hard job. Because of the awful squirrels and the silly bunny. 

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