Saturday 16 July 2016

Day One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Three

It was a very nice morning. Not even a bit too hot. That is good.

Craig was all awake first today. Even before me. Ha.

When Zita was fast awake we took Craig all the way to his old friends breakfast. That was good. 

But I was a too much pulling dog. I had to lie down on the sidewalk and listen to Zita. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

When we got home Zita had to go to doctor Susan's house. To help her get all the beautiful clothes ready for the important wedding. 

I guarded the house. Emmet was still all fast asleep. Again. Ha.

Niamh and all the dance a lot friends went to the very loud outside music concert this afternoon. 

On all their bicycles. My friend Niamh is taking Clifford. Because he is the fastest bicycle. Ha.

My side yard was all full up to the top with bicycles. 

Craig and I could not play catch the ball. Oh well. Too bad for us. 

It is Craig's favourite game. He told me. That is good. 

My friend Niamh is all full of scratches. Because she slipped in the too much rain. Last night. In the dark. 

Right into an all full of prickles bush. Oh dear. 

You should just stay home when there is too much rain. You should not just go to the too loud music concerts. It is known. 

If you stay home you can watch the television. With me. Ha. 

And Zita will you make lots of Irish tea. And you can eat the special chocolate biscuits. And not be all soggy. That is good.

Last night we watched Scotsman detectives catch nasty people. On a very little island. In way far way Scotland. 

I could not understand them so much. Oh well. 

They did not play any bagpipe music. That is good. I had a nice nap. 

This afternoon Emmet went for a long walk. To get his icy tea. From the very little store. 

When all the dance a lot friends were here. It is way loud when all the dance a lot ladies are here. 

Emmet has brand new fat headphones. So he can listen to all his interesting stories. 

When he goes for his nice walks. On his phone. Without any wires to catch him. Ha. That is good. 

Sometimes the wires would just grab the door handles at his nice university. And catch him. Ha. That is silly. 

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