Friday 9 May 2014

Day Six Hundred and Seventy One

It was a bit of a soggy day this morning. I had to have a little bath when I go home from our walk. 

Today is take all the newspapers to all the nice stores on the busy street day. I do not get to help. I stay here and guard Craig and Emmet. And make sure all the piles of our newspapers go the the right people. And do not get lost.

Craig and I had croissants for our late night dessert last night. That is good. With jam. His hockey team lost. Oh well.

We had a very big peanut butter sandwich for lunch. I got two sandwich bits. Good for me. And we had two croissants later. No jam. Too bad for me. 

Craig's friend from long long long ago sent my friend Emmet a get all better card. She lives in a city way way far away. Not way far away Ireland. It is where they play loud music all night long. And have hot food. And alligators. 

She has a French dog too. But he is a small dog. Because it is way hot where he lives. Big dogs like me or Jamie would be way too hot there. It is known. 

Emmet has to be in the shower every day so the nasty hole in his back will be all nice and clean. Oh dear.

Niamh got a beautiful new costume for her special dance a lot for everybody night. That is good.

Niamh's dance a lot friend McKenzie is coming to my house for dinner. We will have Mister Tony's pizza. That is good. Everybody likes Mister Tony's pizzas. He is a nice man. 

Zorro is all better. That is good.

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