Friday 2 May 2014

Day Six Hundred and Fifty Four

My friend Niamh had a sick tummy last night. She is ok. She did not have to go to the nasty food hospital. That is good. I do not like the nasty food hospital. It makes everything not all right. 

Niamh had a long long nap this morning. When Zita and I went for our nice walk. She did not go to school this morning. She went this afternoon. She said she was all better. Ha.

It is not a soggy day. Just a little bit wet and not so sunny day. Just like way far away Ireland Zita says.

Niamh is going to a special toe dance tonight. At the very big special theatre. Downtown. She is going to a nice restraurent for dinner. With her dance a lot friends. That is good.

Craig got the huge box of lots of socks. He has to find the ones that are the same. I helped. It is not so fun. Except when i knocked over all the boxes of socks. Oh well. I had a nap.

Chris and Sava came over to visit Emmet. They brought all the donuts in the world. I do not eat donuts. They would make my tummy sick. Oh well. 

Maybe Niamh ate too many donuts. Oh dear.

Chris and Sava went down the scary stairs to Emmet's room. They will eat the donuts and laugh a lot. They play a big game on Emmet's big table. That is good. 

Zita is still finding more too much stuff in the basement. 

I do not have too much stuff. It is known. Just a nice comfy duvet. And my catching balls. And my Blue Bone. That is not way too much stuff. 

I do not have lots and lots of way old speakers in the basement. Like Craig. It is known. Ha.

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