Friday 30 May 2014

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Two

We got up early today. Niamh had to go to the doctor for some special medicine. To make her breathe better.

And the gold big car had to go to Mister Mike's find funny noises store.  

Zita and doctor Susan are going to drive far away tomorrow to get cousin Orlaith at the other airport. Not our nice not so far away airport. They are going to visit some nice pretty ladies stores too. 

I visited Susan's house today on my nice long walk.

Cousin Orlaith is going to live in the basement for a little while. And look at universities. Universities must be very pretty here. They are way way old in Ireland. 

Then our other cousin Ciara is going to come to visit my friend Niamh. When school is all done.

Craig said that Ireland will be empty. That is not true. Ireland is too small to be empty. Emmet told me so. He said because it is very old it shrank. It used to be bigger. Like Emmet's tee shirts. Oh well.

Emmet is way upset. Some nasty people poured paint all over Emmet's very favourite very very very old big tall stone. On a very old hill in way far away Ireland. 

It makes him very sad that people are so nasty. You can not make brand new way way old things. You have to take care of them. 

There are so many way way old things in Ireland they do not take very good care of them Emmet thinks. They should. I take care of my garden. I protect it from the nasty squirrels. It is not way old. Just beautiful. It is known.

More squirrels. More trouble for me. Oh dear. I hate squirrels. 

We are going to have our dinner outside on the patio tonight. On the new toasts table. We are going to have our own made pizza. Ha. I will get pizza ends. That is good.

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