Wednesday 21 May 2014

Day Six Hundred and Eighty Three

It is our very get up early day. We went for a nice long walk.  When got home we had our toasts on our beautiful patio. Because it is summer. Ha.

My friend Jamie came over to my patio for a nice visit. Jamie is a very quiet dog. She does not like cats. Or squirrels. Me either. That is why we are friends. 

Emmet went to his very loud movie. With Sava and Chris. Emmet said it was not so scary. That is good. I would not like scary movies. 

I like nice quiet movies about nice people with nice dogs. Who are a big help. And go for nice long car rides. To vist friends. Who have beautiful gardens. With lots of green beans. Those are nice movies. No scary dragons or nasty people. Or very loud noise. Or squirrels. It is known.

A man came to put new special brakes on Craig's new go fast chair. That is good. If the brakes on the go fast chair did not work Craig would go down the hill right into my pond. Oh dear. 

I would have go right into the smelly pond to save him. My friends the ducks would help. Oh dear. It is good he got the special new brakes. 

Zita's Saint Paul's university wants Zita to help them with way big meetings. She has to have a meeting with them tomorrow. She is going to put all her specially neat and tidy clothes on. For the meeting. 

I cannot go with her. Too bad for them. I would tell them she is the best take care of everything person in the world. It is known. Dogs know such things way better than people. Ha. 

The very noisy clean the street machines came by my house today. I barked at them. They do not care. Oh well. 

More hockey tonight. Craig's team will lose again. Oh well. He needs way better teams. It is known.

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