Saturday 2 March 2013

Day Two Hundred and Twenty Eight

It is a Saturday everyone is off doing doing something except Craig.

Emmet and Zita are writing. Niamh is at her dance-all-day dance.

Craig is back from breakfast and is just reading and drinking coffee.

He says that is what you do when you retire. You read books, play with the Red Ball and do stuff for your family.

That is what I do too. Except I do not read books. No one has taught me how to read. I sleep instead. Just like Emmet.

Emmet sleeps, goes to his university, writes, talks to his computers and has showers. He is very clean. But skinny. I chased Emmet all around the house last night. His is feeling better. That is good.

Dogs do not retire because we do not drink coffee or read books. If I retired who would make sure they got up in the morning. It is known.

Niamh has to come home early from her jump all around class because she has a sore throat. I will kiss her and it will better.

I am good at fixing people with kisses. I kiss Craig every night but he does not get better. He is just stubborn. It is known.

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