Sunday 17 March 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty Three

Happy Saint Patrick's day. That is the real name of pretend you are Irish day. Zita told me.

Craig slept in so late today I had to go on the bed and cry until he got up. It took forever and ever for him to throw my Red Ball today.

Zita had two coffees. Zita does not share her toast like Niamh and Craig. Oh well.

Emmet asked me if there was a Saint Newton's day. Emmet is silly. We would not have a day where people pretend to be dogs. That is a silly idea. People need bathrooms.

Saint Newton is already a people. His friend God got him to invent why food always fall on the floor just for dogs. It is known.

It is still cold. Zita is busy writing her university work. I had a nap.

Emmet is writing all about his Mr. Kipling who writes poems that rhyme. Some of his poems are about dogs. He is a good poet. It is known.

Niamh has to go back to school tomorrow. Oh well.

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