Thursday 14 March 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty

There was a very big machine on my corner this morning. It went into my duck pond. It was very noisy. It came back with big pieces of a tree. They put them all in a big truck and drove away.

Poor tree. I like trees. It is where my friends the crows live when it is not winter. Crows do not like squirrels. Crows are smart. That is good.

It is very cold to day. The weather is silly. I had a very good walk this morning. Zita fell. The sidewalks are very slippy. She is alright.  That is good.

I guarded the house last night. When I guard the house Emmet fills my green toy with peanut butter before he goes out. That is good.

All the news papers came today with the nice men. I did not bark at them at all.

Niamh is helping little kids dance all week. She likes it a lot. She makes dances just for them.

My Red Ball fell down the scary basement stairs while I was playing with it. Oh well. Emmet will find it for me.

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