Monday 11 March 2013

Day Two Hundred and Thirty Seven

Oh dear. There was an accident on my corner. Two cars. Craig said they were not paying attention.

There were lots of sad people on my corner. And tow trucks to pull the broken cars away. They are very noisy. I did not like that. I barked at them. They did not notice. Oh well.

There was a police car too. Uncle Bill used to have one. Emmet told me Uncle Bill turned on the siren for him one day away long ago. Uncle Bill and Emmet laugh a lot. That is good.

I am still a soggy dog Craig says. Oh well. He is still a Viking. Too bad for him. Nobody gives Vikings bean treats. Ha.

Zita is writing hard so I am a big big help. Emmet too.

Niamh is a helper teacher at the dance camp all week.

Zita says we have to be careful on our walks because some people in cars should not be allowed to drive. They might hit us. That would be bad. 

Craig says when I get a bit upset I always stretch out and put my paw on him. That is true. I do not know why.

Craig is a good corner watcher. He always comes to help me when I see something wrong. That is good.

It is good Craig is retired. Zita and Emmet are too busy with the university to help me with my corner. Sometimes everyone needs help. It is known.

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