Thursday 21 March 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty Seven.

Everyone was everywhere today. Except me. I guarded the house.

I had a nice early walk. Today is Zita's go-to-university-before-she-is-awake day. Then I had a nap.

Emmet woke me up. He gave me a treat. Emmet is kind. Even when he is still asleep. He had a shower. Emmet is very clean. Messy but clean. He is honest. He always gives my blue bone back when he takes it. They should have asked him to be Pope. It is known.

Craig threw my ball a bit. Then I fought with my big red ball. It is an annoying ball. It is too big to hold and it slides away when I jump on it. Especially in the snow. But sometimes it is fun. I bark at it. It does not help. Oh well.

The present man brought a movie that has a dragon in it. It is about the men who ate all the cheese when they came for dinner. Zita said we will not invite them here. That is good. It is not nice to eat all the cheese in the house. Especially my house.

Niamh took me to the garden so I could jump in the deep snow. Ollie and Maggie came too. Then Disney and the twins came over to help us play. We had a party. Not a cheese party. Oh well.

They are going to have Mr. Tony's pizza tonight because everyone is very busy. Except Craig who is reading his Rome book and throwing my Red Ball. And making peanut butter sandwiches. He always shares the little bits at the end. I have a nice house and a warm duvet.

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