Wednesday 13 March 2013

Day Two Hundred and Thirty Nine

Poor Emmet. They did not make him Pope. Too bad for them.

Craig said Emmet would be a good Pope. Emmet knows right from wrong he said. That is important for Popes. Sometimes they are so old they forget about right and wrong he said.  That is too bad. Oh well.

Uncle Bill came over. He did not have coffee. He had too much coffee he said. He had cough medicine instead. He tried to steal my Red Ball.

Just like Emmet. He is funny like Emmet. I had a nap on my kitchen bed.

Emmet was downstairs fast fast asleep just like me.

Zita went to university very early today. She has a lot to write. I had to stay here and look after Craig.

Craig is finished being a Viking. He said it was a good book the dog did not die.

He does not know what he is going to be next. Maybe a Roman policeman he said. That would be good. They have lots and lots cheese.

Vikings do not have any cheese. They only have fish.

They are going to go out for dinner tonight. I will guard the house.

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