Tuesday 5 March 2013

Day Two Hundred and Thirty One

More Snow. And wet. I get very wet and have to stay in the kitchen so I can be all dry. That is why I have my kitchen bed.

Emmet says I am the only one he knows who has lots of bed times.

He is right. I have my After-my-Walk bedtime, my Help Zita Write her Essay bedtime, my After Dinner bedtime and my Make Everyone Go To Bed Too bedtime. I am good at bedtime.

Niamh stayed home because she is still coughing too much. She can not go to all her dance a lot day tonight. That is sad for Niamh.

Today is Emmet's go-to-university-all-day day. He will steal my blue bone when he gets home. Ha. I will get it back.

Zita had so much to read I fell asleep all afternoon. I like my warm duvet. Not all dogs have nice warm duvets Craig said. That is too bad.

Emmet drinks lots of tea because he is part Irish. I do not know which part.

He says I am part Irish too. But I know what part. My curly fur is because we are part Irish Wolfhounds way way way long ago. That is what Emmet told me. Emmet reads allot. So he knows all about that. I did not know. I can not read.

Craig reads to me some times. That is nice. It is known.

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