Monday 12 September 2022

Day Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty One

I had a very quiet day today.

Because everybody was very busy. All day.

My friend Niamh was at her nice university when I was only a little bit all awake.

And Niamh was not awake at all. Oh my goodness me.

We only went for a little walk this morning so I would not be too sore. 

Then it was time for our rascal ladies work.

So we went into our lovely office.

When Craig got up he made a very fluffy coffee for Zita. 

Then Miss Lily went to her class at the same university as Niamh. Ha.

This morning Miss Lily found a hoppy frog in our beautiful downstairs bathroom. Goodness gracious.

Maybe it wanted to try out our beautiful bathtub. Maybe. 

But she brought it upstairs so it could find it’s way back to it’s own house.

When it was lunchtime the not so very very fast bicycle took Zita to the hardware store.

So she could get giant bags for all the cleaned up garden. 

Craig had his toasts at lunchtime.

So I could help him. Ha. 

We had the round toasts with tasty jam. 

When we were all finished I had my own lunch.

Then it was time for my after lunchtime nap. 

Zita was talking on the computer so I had to be as quiet as could be.

So I had my nap in the kitchen. And was very quiet. Good for me.

When Niamh got home she was all sweaty all over.

So she had a very long nice shower. 

Until she was squeaky clean and smelled beautiful. 

When I have a bath I get special just for dogs shampoo. 

It makes me smell just like our beautiful flowers. Ha. That is nice shampoo.

And there were no hoppy frogs in the bathtub at all. That was good too. 

We had sausages for our dinner tonight.

Because delicious sausages are Niamh and my favourites. Ha. 

So I stayed right in the kitchen to help Zita make our together dinner.

My nice Doctor Waller talked to Zita this afternoon.

And he found me another do not be too sore medicine. 

That is a nice idea. 

Tonight we watched the last of the detective from Iceland. Oh well. 

But I did not see any of the little people who live underneath the ground. 

Maybe they were all on their vacations. Maybe. 

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