Thursday 23 June 2022

Day Three Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty One

I got up very early this morning.

But I did not go for a nice walk.

Because I had to go and have pictures made of inside my sore leg at the little hospital. 

So Zita and Niamh and I went in the go fast car. 

But I had to stay there so my nice Doctor Waller could like at my leg pictures. Oh dear me.

I do not like staying in the hospital so much.

But I was not even there so long and the go fast car came and brought me home.

Doctor Waller gave me a shot and some new medicine. 

Because my shoulder has sore arthritis. And my knee too. Oh my goodness me. 

Craig has it too. But it is in his other hand. Oh dear. 

When I got home I was so wobbly Zita and Niamh had to help me walk in to my own house. Oh dear me. 

I was all wobbly because I had to have a fast asleep shot when they made my inside pictures. 

So I was nearly still fast asleep when I got home. Oh my goodness me.

But I was very very brave at my hospital. All the nurses told Zita and Niamh so. Ha. Good for me. 

So when I got home I just went back to fast fast asleep. Right on my comfy kitchen rug.

So I did not have a very long story to tell Craig today. 

So he told me stories instead.

He showed me a picture of my friend Emmet telling everybody of their very interesting stories.

Today the are at a giant meeting at a university in way far away Limerick. 

It is in Ireland too. Just like Emmet’s very old university. 

But then I went to fast asleep until nearly dinnertime. Oh well. 

One time when I got a bit awake Craig found me some very delicious chicken.

But I could not have so much. 

So I had just a little bit. 

Because of the lots of medicine I had this morning. 

Maybe I would get a sick tummy. That would not be so good.

We had Mister Tony’s pizza tonight and got a little bit of crunchy pizza. 

Then I got up. When nobody was there. All by myself. 

So I could get a lovely drink of water from the bathtub.

And Zita only had to help me the last little bit. Ha.

But it was a bit hard because I was a bit confused where I wanted to go.

Maybe because of the go to sleep medicine. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

So I Zita had to slide me into the den. 

But soon it was our bedtime. 

And then we all went to fast asleep until tomorrow. 

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