Wednesday 27 January 2021

Day Three Thousand One Hundred and Ten 

I had a grumbly tummy last night. In the middle of the night. Oh dear.

And Zita had to get me some tasty food. But then she could not go back to fast asleep. Oh dear me.

And when we looked out our window there was nobody there at all.

But there was even more snow. Oh dear. 

So after Zita woke up she had to move the snow off the go fast car before she could take Niamh to her work. Oh dear.

So I kept Craig company on the comfy bed until Zita came home.

We had out together toasts today. Then Zita went to the grocery store.

Before it was all full of people.

I stayed here to mind Craig. 

And we saw a very big truck full of bits of trees get all stuck right on my corner. 

Because of all the too much snow. 

When Zita came home she went right outside and was very busy moving all our way too much snow.

I had to stay inside and mind Craig. So he would not get in trouble. Too bad for me.

For our together lunchtime Craig and I had a donut. But it did not even have a hole in the middle. 

Because it was all full up with raspberry jam instead. Ha. That was a good donut. 

And when I went outside to find my big ball I could not find it. 

And I got all covered in snow and then I had to stay in the kitchen. 

Because I was all soggy. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

Zita puts all our too much snow into the big sliding box and takes it to our corner. So it is not in my side yard. 

And when Zita was all finished moving the too much snow away I found my big ball. 

It did not get all lost. That was good. 

It was a very sunshiny day today. And the lots of snow makes everything very very bright. 

It is better when it is all bright outside. Even with the too much snow.

Zita moved the black go fast car car so she could take all the snow off the silver little car. Ha. 

That was a good idea.

Craig was very happy that the silver little car was not covered up to the top with too much snow anymore.  Me too. 

After having a nice rest with me Zita and the go fast car went to downtown to find my friend Niamh.

And Niamh came home she made a very special delicious special dinner for us tonight.

Because she has been reading the how to be a famous cook from France book. 

It is full up with very delicious dinnertimes. That is a good book. 

We had a cauliflower all hidden under a very tasty full of delicious cheese sauce. Ha. 

I got some too. 

Then we watched only a little bit of the detective program before Craig had a squeaky clean shower. 

So he would not be too smelly. Ha.   

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