Sunday 25 October 2020

Day Three Thousand and Fifteen 

Zita and I got up before we had our Sunday sleep in.

Because it was time for my sore foot medicine. Oh well. 

Craig had a sleep in because he had to watch the little fast cars. 

But it was not so interesting today. Too bad for him.

So Zita and I went into the living room so I could watch everybody from my own watching window.

And Zita could talk to her parents in far away Dublin. 

She was on our sofa with her cosy blanket wrapped all around her. Ha.

Then Craig was all awake and dressed so he made coffee for Zita. 

And we had a very little cookie. Then he had his own another coffee.

I was going to have a nice nap but then Niamh was all awake too. 

So I minded her too. That is my favourite job.

Because we are best friends. 

After lunchtime Zita went for a long walk with Sue and Miss Chris. 

On the roads in our giant right inside the city farm. Maybe they saw the lots of cows.

Or maybe even the extra big horses. Maybe. Ha.

Niamh and Miss Tarryn went for a long see everything bicycle ride. 

So I had a nice nap while Craig just looked at the football game. 

When Niamh and Miss Tarryn came back to our house they were nearly just frozen like icicles. 

Because it was a too cold sunshiney day today. Too cold for long bicycle rides. Oh dear me. 

I could not play with my big red ball today.

Because it is just full of very big holes. Oh dear.

So I just stayed in our toasty warm house. 

Niamh and Miss Tarryn are went to Miss Sash’s apartment for their own dinner.

Because it is their watch their movie and eat treats night. Ha.

So I will only have to mind craig and Zita at dinnertime tonight. Ha.

That is an easy job. 

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