Monday 3 March 2014

Day Five Hundred and Ninety Four

I had another way too cold day. We forgot my Scotsman's coats again. Oh dear. Zita and I did not go way too far today. Her hands were too cold. And her feet. 

Zita drove Niamh to the dance a lot school. It is too too cold to take the smelly bus to the far away school. That is good.

When Zita got home we had our toasts. Zita and Craig had their coffees. Then I had a nice nap on my cosy duvet. To help Zita write and write for her almost a job and her new university. Mr. Saint Paul's university. 

Saint Newton does not have a university. He has a big garden with lots and lots of apple trees. For all his friends the dogs.

Craig is now an old policeman from far away England. He has a dog. His dog is called Jasper. That is a nice name. It is good that the policeman has a dog. He is old like Craig. His dog will find him if he gets lost in the woods. It is our job.

I know a Jasper. It is a nasty cat who likes to walk in my garden. Maybe the wolves will eat him. Ha. 

Craig and I looked out the window. I was looking for Zita to bring Emmet home from his university. Emmet says they argue a lot at his university. 

Craig says that is what universities are for. So you can know who is telling the truth. I do not know how university teaches you that. 

I know who is good and who is not. I am a dog. We know those things. That is why I did not have to go to university. And I cannot drink lots of coffee. Or eat donuts.  Or read. Oh well.

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