Tuesday 1 January 2013

Day One Hundred and Sixty Eight

It looks the same to me. Maybe they forgot to bring the new year. Oh well.

We stayed up very late last night.

Zita and Niamh and Craig and I stayed up and watch a scary movie. The Queen got turned into a bear. And there were dogs in it. The lady had hair just like Niamh's. It was in Scotland with castles.

Craig likes castles. He and Emmet always go to castles in Ireland. Castles are cold Zita says. I like my duvet. It is warm.

Emmet was downstairs with his friends from all over everywhere.

Emmet wants to be a Pope. He likes the hats he says. Silly Emmet. Those hats will fly off in the wind and you will have cold ears. Silly Emmet.

Craig says that is why popes live in Rome where it is warm and not windy. It is known

I had to have a bath today. I could not go outside after. Zita said I would turn in to Popsicle.

Before my bath Zita washed my towels and put them into the dry and hot machine so I would not be cold. Craig said I was spoiled. That is true. It is known.

We are having a party tonight. I will be careful.

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