Saturday 26 January 2013

Day One Hundred and Ninety Three

A quiet Saturday. Craig went out for breakfast. Niamh had a sleep-over and then all day dance. Zita studied and studied her university homework. I helped her from my duvet. Then I had a nice brush to make me beautiful.

Emmet is a still bit sick. He went out for a walk. He snuck in a big bottle of coke. Zita said he was very silly man. He agreed. Me too. He is silly. He is my friend. We dance. That is good.

Zita was writing another essay. About why girls are girls in old Ireland. They had uniforms at her school. The skirts were way too long. Niamh would not like that. It is known.

Craig is reading a book about a lost crown and a king with way too many wives. A silly book I think. With so many wives your bed would be way too big. There would be nowhere for the dog to sleep. A silly book.

Zita and I went out for a nice walk.  We left Craig to make dinner. Ha. Peanut butter sandwiches I bet. Or Mr. Tony's Pizza.

He made an egg pie and it did not burn. I will not get any peanut butter. Oh well.

The nice lady is home. She left my treat in the box for me. That is good.

Nighty nite Lucy and Tilly way across the ocean.

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