Saturday 19 January 2013

Day One Hundred and Eighty Six

We had lots and lots of snow last night.

Craig did not go to his old guys breakfast. Too much snow.

I played in the garden. Zita said I looked like a snow dog. I could wear Emmet's top hat. That would be nice.

We had to use the big noisy machine to blow away all the snow. I do not like that machine. It is too noisy. There are lots of big noisy machines pushing the snow. They are scary.

Emmet and Sava and Chris have gone to the movies. I bet they will go and eat hamburgers and chips. That is what guys do. Emmet told me so. Emmet tells me everything. That is good. That is what dogs do best. We listen.

Auntie Louise and Uncle Bill are going to pretend they are Scotsmen tonight. Uncle Bill said they were going to have to eat sheep's tummys. That does not sound nice. I like carrots and green bean treats. It is known.

On my walk there was a not nice person walking towards us. I gave him my big ferocious bark. He went across the street.

Zita said that was only the second time she had ever heard my big ferocious bark. That is true. Most people I see on our walks are nice. He was not. I could tell. That is why he went to the other side of the street. He knew that I knew he was not a nice person.

I told Ollie and Maggie about him. I will tell Jamie and Zorro too. It is known.

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